Leopard 立志成為最好的 Ruby on Rails 開發平台

蘋果自從發現到 Ruby on Rails 使用者有一大部分都是使用 MAC 之後,開始在 OS 上面狂推猛推用力推 Ruby on Rails。到底蘋果支援到什麼程度呢?看看 這一頁吧,未來的 OSX 10.5 Leopard 會直接 Boundle 進去 Ruby 1.8.6,Rails ,Mongrel,Capistrano 。

Scripting Bridge.

Mac OS X is now the ideal platform for all kinds of script-based development. Ruby 1.8.6 and Python 2.5 are both first-class languages for Mac development, thanks to Cocoa bridges, Xcode and Interface Builder support, DTrace monitoring, and Framework builds — plus AppleEvent bindings via the new Scripting Bridge. Leopard is also the premier platform for Ruby on Rails development, thanks to Rails, Mongrel, and Capistrano bundling.

聽起來真的很美好,蘋果擁有偉大的 TextMate Editor,跟完全 Native Bundling 的 Ruby on Rails 全套 Package,再加上漂亮的介面,讓我一定會乖乖的掏出錢來買 Leopard。唯一的問題就是,Leopard 到底何時出呢?
