#!/bin/sh #################################################################################################### # # ABOUT THIS PROGRAM # # NAME # 020 Turn Off Airport & Clear DNS # # # DESCRIPTION # Checks to see if Airport is an active service, if it's not it enables it. (this does not turn # on the airport card, just stops the script from erroring). # # Clears all manual entries for DNS Servers & Search Domains if mac is 10.4 & if $4 is set to y. # Clears DNS & Search Domains for 10.5 & up macs can receive dns from dhcp. # # Once all the above have been completed.. turns off Airport # #################################################################################################### # # HISTORY # # Version: 2.0 # # - Created by Ben Toms on March 11th, 2011 # #################################################################################################### # # DEFINE VARIABLES & READ IN PARAMETERS # #################################################################################################### # HARDCODED VALUES SET HERE # Set to y to clear DNS for 10.4 macs clearTiger="n" # CHECK TO SEE IF A VALUE WAS PASSED IN PARAMETER 4 AND, IF SO, ASSIGN if [ "$4" != "" ] && [ "$clearTiger" == "" ];then clearTiger=$4 fi #################################################################################################### # # SCRIPT CONTENTS - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE # #################################################################################################### # Gets OS Version OS=`/usr/bin/defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion ProductVersion | awk '{print substr($1,1,4)}'` # Checks networksetup to see if an Airport Card is installed checkHasAnAirportCard=`networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep -i "Hardware Port: Air" | cut -c 16-` # Checks to see if their is a service created for Airport, & if so gets the name checkWireless=$(networksetup -listallhardwareports | egrep "Hardware Port: (Air|Wi-)" | cut -c 16-) # Checks to see if Airport is installed if [ -z "$checkWireless" ]; then # If no Wireless is installed echo "No Wireless Card exiting..." exit 0 else # Checks to see if Wireless has a service created for it. if [ -z "$checkWireless" ]; then # If Aiport is installed, but does not have a service create a service & enable echo "Wireless installed, but not configured as a service..." # Creates Aiport service networksetup -createnetworkservice "$checkWireless" "$checkWireless" echo "Wireless service created..." #Enable Wireless networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled "$checkWireless" on echo "Enabled Wireless service..." fi #Loops through the list of network services for i in $(networksetup -listallnetworkservices | tail +2 ); do #Checks to see if there is a service called *Airport* or *Wireless if so enables it. if [[ "$i" =~ '*A' || "$i" =~ '*W' ]]; then #Removes the * prefix disabledServices=`( echo $i | cut -c 2- )` #Enables the disabled netwoprk services /usr/sbin/networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled "$disabledServices" on #Echo's the name of any services enabled echo "Wireless now enabled..." fi done # Re-checks the service name for Wireless as it should now be enabled checkWirelessIsAService=$(networksetup -listallnetworkservices | egrep -i "(Air|Wi-)") #Checks power state of Wireless if [[ "$OS" "10.5" ]]; then # If OS is 10.6.x run the following to check Wireless power... airportPower=`/usr/sbin/networksetup -getairportpower "$checkWireless" | cut -c 26-` else # If OS is 10.5.x run the following to check Wireless power... airportPower=`/usr/sbin/networksetup -getairportpower | cut -c 16-` fi if [[ "$airportPower" == "Off" ]]; then #Checks to see if Wireless is off & if so.. exits. echo "Wireless already powered off.. exiting..." exit 0 else echo "Wireless is powered on..," # If machine is running 10.4, clear search domains if specified for $clearTiger variable if [[ "$OS" < "10.5" ]]; then if [[ "$clearTiger" == "y" ]]; then echo "Clearing DNS Servers for OS $OS..." /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Support/networksetup -setdnsservers "$checkWireless" "empty" echo "Clearing search domains for OS $OS..." /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Support/networksetup -setsearchdomains "$checkWireless" "empty" else echo "Not Clearing DNS as OS is $OS..." fi else # If machine is not running 10.5 or higher clear dns & search domains as these will be picked up by DHCP echo "Clearing DNS Servers for OS $OS..." /usr/sbin/networksetup -setdnsservers "$checkWireless" "empty" echo "Clearing search domains for OS $OS..." /usr/sbin/networksetup -setsearchdomains "$checkWireless" "empty" fi if [[ "$OS" == "10.4" ]]; then # If OS is 10.4.x run the following to turn off Wireless... echo "Turning off the Wireless for OS $OS..." /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Support/networksetup -setairportpower off exit 0 elif [[ "$OS" == "10.5" ]]; then # If OS is 10.5.x run the following to turn off Wireless... echo "Turning off the Wireless for OS $OS..." /usr/sbin/networksetup -setairportpower off exit 0 elif [[ "$OS" == "10.6" ]]; then # If OS is 10.6.x run the following to turn off Wireless... echo "Turning off the Wireless for OS $OS..." /usr/sbin/networksetup -setairportpower "$checkWireless" off exit 0 elif [[ "$OS" == "10.7" ]]; then # If OS is 10.7.x run the following to turn off Wireless... checkWireless=$(networksetup -listallhardwareports | egrep "Hardware Port: (Air|Wi-)" | cut -c 16-) # First we need to get the Wi-Fi device's name wifiDevice=`/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports | awk '/^Hardware Port: Wi-Fi/,/^Ethernet Address/' | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -c 9-` echo "Turning off the Wireless for OS $OS..." /usr/sbin/networksetup -setairportpower "$wifiDevice" off exit 0 fi fi fi