case of PP

Case Scenario Example)

Current Month End Version/Batch Date: 31 August 2014 Batch

Case ID RMB Card Status PP Card Status PP Card Expiry Date Check for Penalty? PP Validity Period (for spending calculation) PP Card Spending Criteria Met? PP Visit Existed? PP Penalty To Be Charged on Sep Report? PP Penalty To Be Charged on Oct Report?

(Normal Case) Active Active 12 Dec 2014 N

Penalty will be calculated on December batch (No checking required) (No checking required) (No checking required) (No checking required) (No checking required)
2 Active Expired without Renewal 10 Aug 2014 Y 11 Aug 2013 - 10 Aug 2014 N Y Y N
3 Active Expired without Renewal 10 Aug 2014 Y 11 Aug 2013 - 10 Aug 2014 N N N

(but records will be kept for 6 months for future processing (depending on whether there exists PP visit in this month)
4 Active Cancelled as of 10 Aug 2014 20 Sep 2014 N 21 Sep 2013 - 20 Sep 2014 N Y Y N
5 Active Cancelled as of 10 Aug 2014 20 Sep 2014 Y 21 Sep 2013 - 20 Sep 2014 N N N

(but records will be kept for 6 months for future processing) (depending on whether there exists PP visit in this month)
6 Active since 10 Aug 2014
(First Card) (First Card)
Active as of 14 Aug 2014;

Cancelled on 21 Aug 2014 14 Aug 2015 N

To be triggered on Aug 2015 15 Aug 2014 - 14 Aug 2015 N Y N N
7 Active since 10 Aug 2014
(First Card) (First Card)
Active as of 14 Aug 2014;

To Be Cancel on 3 Sep 2014 14 Aug 2015 N

It will be checked in Aug 2015 batch 15 Aug 2014 - 14 Aug 2015 N Y N N
8 Active since 6 Aug 2013
(First Card) Renewed as of 9 Aug 2014;

To Be Cancel on 10 Sep 2014 9 Aug 2015 Y For August report:
10 Aug 2013 - 9 Aug 2014
N (for August renewal case) Y Y N

Note: The next penalty checking should be on the new PP card expiry date
9 Active since 2010

Cancel on 8 Aug 2014 Active

Note: It will be cancelled upon RMB card cancellation 20 Dec 2014 Y 20 Dec 2013 – 8 Dec 2014
