Ctrl + Space Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable) 代码提示
Ctrl + Shift + Space Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)
Ctrl + Alt + Space Class name completion (the name of any project class independently of current imports)
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Complete statement
Ctrl + P Parameter info (within method call arguments) 查看方法参数信息
Ctrl + Q Quick documentation lookup
Shift + F1 External Doc
Ctrl + mouse over codeBrief Info
Ctrl + F1 Show descriptions of error or warning at caret 显示错误、警告信息
Alt + Insert Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString) 生成seter/geter
Ctrl + O Override methods 重写父类方法
Ctrl + I Implement methods 实现父类、接口抽象方法
Ctrl + Alt + T Surround with... (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.)
Ctrl + / Comment/uncomment with line comment 单行注释、取消单行注释
Ctrl + Shift + / Comment/uncomment with block comment 多行午注释、取消多行注释
Ctrl + W Select successively increasing code blocks 增量选择代码块
Ctrl + Shift + W Decrease current selection to previous state 减少选择代码块
Alt + Q Context info
Alt + Enter Show intention actions and quick-fixes
Ctrl + Alt + L Reformat code 格式化代码
Ctrl + Alt + O Optimize imports 组织管理导入
Ctrl + Alt + I Auto-indent line(s) 自动缩进,格式化代码
Tab / Shift + Tab Indent/unindent selected lines 缩进、取消缩进
Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete Cut current line or selected block to clipboard 剪切
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert Copy current line or selected block to clipboard 复制
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert Paste from clipboard 粘贴
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste from recent buffers...
Ctrl + D Duplicate current line or selected block 复制当前行或选中行
Ctrl + Y Delete line at caret 删除一行
Ctrl + Shift + J Smart line join
Ctrl + Enter Smart line split
Shift + Enter Start new line 加一行
Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle case for word at caret or selected block 大小写切换
Ctrl + Shift + ] / [ Select till code block end/start 选中代码块
Ctrl + Delete Delete to word end 从后面删除一个词
Ctrl + Backspace Delete to word start 从前面删除一个词
Ctrl + NumPad+/- Expand/collapse code block 代码块展开、折叠
Ctrl + Shift + NumPad+ Expand all 代码全部展开
Ctrl + Shift + NumPad- Collapse all 代码全部折叠
Ctrl + F4 Close active editor tab 关闭当前tab
Ctrl + F Find 查找
F3 Find next 向下查找
Shift + F3 Find previous 向上查找
Ctrl + R Replace 替换
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in path 从目录中查找
Ctrl + Shift + R Replace in path 从目录中替换
Ctrl + Shift + S Search structurally (Ultimate Edition only)
Ctrl + Shift + M Replace structurally (Ultimate Edition only)
Usage Search
Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 Find usages / Find usages in file
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlight usages in file
Ctrl + Alt + F7 Show usages
Compile and Run
Ctrl + F9 Make project (compile modifed and dependent) 编译项目
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Compile selected file, package or module 编译选中项
Alt + Shift + F10 Select configuration and run
Alt + Shift + F9 Select configuration and debug
Shift + F10 Run 运行
Shift + F9 Debug 调试
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Run context configuration from editor
F8 Step over
F7 Step into
Shift + F7 Smart step into
Shift + F8 Step out
Alt + F9 Run to cursor
Alt + F8 Evaluate expression
F9 Resume program
Ctrl + F8 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + F8 View breakpoints
Ctrl + N Go to class 打开类
Ctrl + Shift + N Go to file 打开文件
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Go to symbol 打开变量定义
Alt + Right/Left Go to next/previous editor tab 切换tab
F12 Go back to previous tool window 回到上个窗口
Esc Go to editor (from tool window) 回到编辑窗口
Shift + Esc Hide active or last active window 隐藏窗口
Ctrl + Shift + F4 Close active run/messages/find/... tab
Ctrl + G Go to line 跳到指定行
Ctrl + E Recent files popup 最近编辑文件弹窗
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Navigate back/forward 导航窗口切换
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Navigate to last edit location 回到最后导航窗口
Alt + F1 Select current file or symbol in any view
Ctrl + B or Ctrl + Click Go to declaration 跳至定义处
Ctrl + Alt + B Go to implementation(s) 跳至实现处,一般是方法的实现
Ctrl + Shift + I Open quick definition lookup
Ctrl + Shift + B Go to type declaration 跳至定义的类型
Ctrl + U Go to super-method/super-class 跳至超类的方法或超类
Alt + Up/Down Go to previous/next method 上、下一个方法
Ctrl + ] / [ Move to code block end/start 跳至代码块的结尾、开始
Ctrl + F12 File structure popup 显示文件结构,可以查看方法定义等
Ctrl + H Type hierarchy 类的继承结构
Ctrl + Shift + H Method hierarchy 方法层级结构
Ctrl + Alt + H Call hierarchy 方法被调用层级
F2 / Shift + F2 Next/previous highlighted error 下、上一个错误处
F4 / Ctrl + Enter Edit source / View source
Alt + Home Show navigation bar 显示当前导航
F11 Toggle bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + F11 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
Ctrl + #[0-9] Go to numbered bookmark
Shift + F11 Show bookmarks