
scala> :power
** Power User mode enabled - BEEP WHIR GYVE **
** :phase has been set to 'typer'.          **
** scala.tools.nsc._ has been imported      **
** global._, definitions._ also imported    **
** Try  :help, :vals, power.<tab>           **

scala> nme.keywords
res0: Set[$r.intp.global.TermName] = Set(abstract, >:, true, val, do, throw, <-,
 package, _, macro, @, object, false, this, if, then, var, trait, ., catch, with
, def, else, class, type, #, lazy, null, =, <:, override, protected, =>, private
, sealed, finally, new, implicit, extends, final, for, return, case, import, for
Some, :, super, while, yield, try, match, <%)
