<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } function between(string, start, end) { var startAt = string.indexOf(start); //进行错误处理 if (-1 == startAt) { return undefined; } startAt += start.length; var endAt = string.indexOf(end, startAt); if (-1 == endAt) { return undefined; } return string.slice(startAt, endAt); } print(between("hello 'world' i love you", "'", "'")); //输出world </script> </head> </html>
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } function lastElement(array) { if (array.length > 0) { return array[array.length - 1]; } else { return undefined; } } //这种情况下,undefined是最后一个值,还是代表错误,就无法判断了 print(lastElement([1, 2, undefined])); </script> </head> </html>
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } //用于测试finally--出现异常后需要保持原先的值 var value = 5; function lastElement(array) { //这里用作测试,value的值被改变了,函数结尾重新赋原始值 value = 10; if (array.length > 0) { return array[array.length - 1]; } else { throw "cannot take the last element of an empty array"; } value = 5; } try{ print(lastElement([])); } catch(error) { print("something went wrong:" + error); } finally { value = 5; } //如果没有finally的赋值,value将等于10 print(value); </script> </head> </html>浏览器显示如下:
通过new Error来定义一个异常对象:
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } //非法数字异常 var InvalidInputError = new Error("Invalid numeric input"); function inputNumber() { var input = Number(prompt("Give me a number", "")); if (isNaN(input)) { throw InvalidInputError; } return input; } //重复输入数值 for (; ;) { try { alert(inputNumber() + 5); break; } catch (error) { //并不是InvalidInputError,则抛出异常 if (error != InvalidInputError) { throw error; } alert("you did not input a number. Try again"); } } </script> </head> </html>
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } function forEach(array, action) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { action(array[i]); } } function sum(numbers) { var total = 0; //这里number对应于array[i] forEach(numbers, function(number) { total += number; }); return total; } //作为数组或者集合,最好要定义 var arr = []; for ( var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { arr.push(i); } print(sum(arr)); </script> </head> </html>程序输出:55
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } //注意:这里function(x)的作用类似于一个返回值:说明!func(x)是一个函数 //但是这里只能声明一个参数,或者说只能声明具体的参数个数.如果参数个数不固定,则需要用到apply function negate(func) { return function(x) { return !func(x); }; } var isNotNaN = negate(isNaN); print(isNotNaN(NaN)); function sum() { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { total += arguments[i]; } return total; } function negateSum(func) { return function() { //这里不要傻傻的返回-func,因为func会被解释成一个数值, //而非一个函数地址.如果返回func,则有惊喜 // return func; return -func.apply(null, arguments); } } var func = negateSum(sum); print(func(1, 2, 3)); </script> </head> </html>程序输出:
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } function forEach(array, func) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { func(array[i]); } } function reduce(combine, base, array) { forEach(array, function(element) { base = combine(base, element); }); return base; } function add(a, b) { return a + b; } function sum(numbers) { return reduce(add, 0, numbers); } print(sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])); </script> </head> </html>
1) 用空行分隔段落
2) 用%开头的段落是标题,%越多,标题越小
3) 在段落里,将某些文本放在星号(*)之间进行强调
4) 脚注写在花括号里.
var linkObject = {name : "a", attributes : {href : "http://www.gokgs.com/"}, content : ["play Go!"]};这样会直接生成HTML语句如下:
<a href="http://www.gokgs.coom/">play Go!</a>代码如下:(不知如何调试程序,所以没生成正确的结果):
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function print(str) { document.write(str + "<br />"); } /********* 1. 将标题和段落分割开来. 2. %代表h1,%%代表h2,以此类推 3. 非标题的均为段落(<p>) ************/ function processParagraph(paragraph) { var header = 0; while (paragraph.charAt(header) == "%") { header++; } if (header > 0) { return {type : "h" + header, content : paragraph.slice(header + 1)}; } else { return {type : "p", content : paragraph}; } } //将数组array的每个元素进行transform转换,并将转换后的结果存储于关联容器中 function map(transform, array) { var mapped = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { mapped.push(transform(array[i])); } return mapped; } //使用了递归 function splitParagraph(text) { function split(pos) { if (pos == text.length) { return []; } //找到*...*部分(*代表强调) else if (text.charAt(pos) == "*") { var end = findClosing("*", pos + 1); var frag = {type : "emphasized", content : text.slice(pos + 1, end)}; return [frag].concat(split(end + 1)); } //找到{...}部分({}代表脚注) else if (text.charAt(pos) == "{") { var end = findClosing("}", pos + 1); var frag = {type : "footnote", content : text.slice(pos + 1, end)}; return [frag].concat(split(end + 1)); } else { var end = findOpeningOrEnd(pos); var frag = {type : "normal", content : text.slice(pos, end)}; return [frag].concat(split(end)); } } //从索引from开始查找字符character function findClosing(character, from) { var end = text.indexOf(character, from); if (end == -1) throw new Error("Missing closing '" + character + "'"); else return end; } //查找最早出现字符"*"或者"{"的索引 function findOpeningOrEnd(from) { function indexOrEnd(character) { var index = text.indexOf(character, from); return index == -1 ? text.length : index; } return Math.min(indexOrEnd("*"), indexOrEnd("{")); } return split(0); } //移动脚注 function extractFootnotes(paragraphs) { var footnotes = []; var currentNote = 0; //将脚注的内容替换为索引 function replaceFootnote(fragment) { if (fragment.type == "footnote") { currentNote++; footnotes.push(fragment); fragment.number = currentNote; return {type : "reference", number : currentNote}; } else { return fragment; } } forEach(paragraphs, function(paragraph) { paragraph.content = map(replaceFootnote, paragraph.content); }); return footnotes; } //生成HTML标签 function tag(name, content, attributes) { return {name : name, attributes : attributes, content : content}; } function link(target, text) { return tag("a", [text], {href : target}); } function htmlDoc(title, bodyContent) { return tag("html", [tag("head", [tag("title", [title])]), tag("body", bodyContent)]); } //文档中特殊字符的转换 function escapeHTML(text) { var replacements = [[/&/g, "&"], [/"/g, """], [/</g, "<"], [/>/g, ">"]]; forEach(replacements, function(replace) { text = text.replace(replace[0], replace[1]); }); return text; } function forEach(array, func) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { func(array[i]); } } //将attribute对象转换为字符串{href : "http://www.w3school.com.cn"}=>href=http://www.w3school.com.cn function renderAttributes(attributes) { if (attributes == null) return ""; var result = []; for (var name in attributes) { result.push(" " + name + "=\"" + escapeHTML(attributes[name]) + "\""); } return result.join(""); } //将一个HTML元素对象转换为一个字符串 //print(renderHTML(link("http://www.w3school.com.cn", "the link"))); function renderHTML(element) { var pieces = []; function render(element) { //文本节点 if (typeof element == "string") { pieces.push(escapeHTML(element)); } //不带内容的标签 else if (!element.content || element.content.length == 0) { pieces.push("<" + element.name + renderAttributes(element.attributes) + ">"); } //带内容的标签 else { pieces.push("<" + element.name + renderAttributes(element.attributes) + ">"); forEach(element.content, render); pieces.push("</" + element.name + ">"); } } render(element); return pieces.join(""); } //片段转换为HTML function renderFragment(fragment) { if(gragment.type == "reference") { return tag("sup", [link("#footnote" + number, String(number))]); } else if (fragment.type == "emphasised") { return tag("em", [fragment.content]); } else if (fragment.type == "normal") { return fragment.content; } } //显示整个段落 function renderParagraph(paragraph) { return tag(paragraph.type, map(renderFragment, paragraph.content)); } //生成脚注 function renderFootnote(footnote) { var anchor = tag("a", [], {name : "footnote" + footnote.number}); var number = "[" + footnote.number + "]"; return tag("p", [tag("small", [anchor, number, footnote.content])]); } //正式生成HTML文档 function renderFile(file, title) { var paragraphs = map(processParagraph, file.split("\n\n")); var footnotes = map(renderFootnote, extractFootnotes(paragraphs)); var body = map(renderParagraph, paragraphs).concat(footnotes); return renderHTML(htmlDoc(title, body)); } var file = "%the book of programming" + "<br /><br />" + "%%the tow aspects" + "<br /><br />" + "hello world" + "<br /><br />" + "i love you" + "<br /><br />" + "%% Short Sayings" + "<br /><br />" + " forever" + "<br /><br />" //print(file); print(renderFile(file, "the programming")); </script> </head> </html>