

Three nodes: as1, as2, as3:

as1 will be the Collector Node,as the same it will provide HDFS storage service.

as2 and as3 will be the Agent Nodes, they will collecting local files and send to as1, as last store in HDFS.


Linux + Java + SSH + Hadoop

Version Information:



Chukwa Configuration:

For Agent (as2 and as3):

Edit file under /$CHUKWA_HOME$/etc/chukwa:

export JAVA_HOME=your java home
comment the belows:

Edit file collectors under /$CHUKWA_HOME$/etc/chukwa:


Edit file initial_adaptors under /$CHUKWA_HOME$/etc/chukwa:

add filetailer.FileTailingAdaptor FooData /tmp/chukwa_testing/testing 0

Notes: This adapter will repeatedly tails a file (/tmp/chukwa_testing/testing) , again ignoring content and with unspecified Chunk boundaries.

For Collector (as1):

How to handle the IPC version issue?

Edit file under /$CHUKWA_HOME$/etc/chukwa:

export JAVA_HOME=your jave home
export HADOOP_HOME=your hadoop home
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=your hadoop conf home
comment the belows:

Edit file chukwa-collector-conf.xml under /$CHUKWA_HOME$/etc/chukwa:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"  href="configuration.xsl"?>

<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->


    <description>Chukwa local data sink directory, see</description>

    <description>Local chukwa writer, see</description>

  <!-- When writing to HBase, uncomment the following parameters. If you're running
  HBase in distributed mode, you'll also need to copy your hbase-site.xml file with
  your hbase.zookeeper.quorum setting to the conf/ dir. -->
  <!-- HBaseWriter parameters -->

    <description>Demux parser class package, HBaseWriter uses this package name to validate HBase for annotated demux parser classes.</description>

    <description>Verify HBase Table schema with demux parser schema, log
    warning if there are mismatch between hbase schema and demux parsers.

    <description>If this option is set to true, and HBase table schema 
    is mismatched with demux parser, collector will shut down itself.
  <!-- End of HBaseWriter parameters -->
    <description>HDFS to dump to</description>
    <description>Chukwa data sink directory</description>

    <description>Chukwa rotate interval (ms)</description>

    <description>A flag to indicate that the collector should close at a fixed
    offset after every rotateInterval. The default value is false which uses
    the default scheme where collectors close after regular rotateIntervals.
    If set to true then specify chukwaCollector.fixedTimeIntervalOffset value.
    e.g., if isFixedTimeRotatorScheme is true and fixedTimeIntervalOffset is
    set to 10000 and rotateInterval is set to 300000, then the collector will
    close its files at 10 seconds past the 5 minute mark, if
    isFixedTimeRotatorScheme is false, collectors will rotate approximately
    once every 5 minutes

    <description>Chukwa fixed time interval offset value (ms)</description>

    <description>The HTTP port number the collector will listen on</description>

Notes: Enable writing to local file system and HDFS, disable writing to HBase.

Run Chukwa and Example:

Start Collector (as1):

Go to /$CHUKWA_HOME$/ of as1:

./bin/chukwa collector
./bin/chukwa hicc

Monitor Collector (as1):



Start Agents (as2 and as3):

./bin/chukwa agent
Monitor Agents (as2 and as3):

telnet as2 9093
telnet as3 9093


Logs for Collector and Agents:

Under /$CHUKWA_HOME$/logs

Run Example:

For as2:

echo "Hello World From AS 2">>/tmp/chukwa_testing/testing
echo "Hello World From AS 2 :)">>/tmp/chukwa_testing/testing
For as3:

echo "Hello World From AS 3">>/tmp/chukwa_testing/testing
echo "Hello World From AS 3 :)">>/tmp/chukwa_testing/testing
Logs of agents:

INFO HTTP post thread ChukwaHttpSender - collected 1 chunks for post_1
INFO HTTP post thread ChukwaHttpSender - >>>>>> HTTP post_1 to http://as1:8080/ length = 118
INFO HTTP post thread ChukwaHttpSender - >>>>>> HTTP Got success back from http://as1:8080/chukwa; response length 33
INFO HTTP post thread ChukwaHttpSender - post_1 sent 1 chunks, got back 1 acks

Files translated to HDFS:


