创建2张表 一张t_shuiguo 水果表 一张t_supermarket 超市表
如下: 表A
那么首先水果表 是可以动态添加的 所有A表中的列 是动态的 先不考虑
先看下静态的 如果就是这么4个水果
那么SQL可以这么写 (参考了网上一些列子)
-- 静态sql
select ifnull(groups,'total') as groups, sum(if(name='苹果',prices,0)) as '苹果', sum(if(name='梨',prices,0)) as '梨', sum(if(name='橘子',prices,0)) as '橘子', sum(if(name='樱桃',prices,0)) as '樱桃', sum(if(name='total',prices,0)) as 'totals' from (select A.groups as groups,IFNULL(A.name,'total') as name ,sum(A.price) as prices from (select m.groups as groups ,s.name as name,m.price as price from t_supermarket m inner join t_shuiguo s on m.shuiguo = s.id ) A group by groups, name with rollup having groups is not null ) B group by groups with rollup
然后比较费劲的就是动态的 需要用到存储过程
-- 定义存储过程结束符 delimiter $$ -- 有先删除 再创建过程 drop procedure if exists searchShuiguo $$ create procedure searchShuiguo() begin -- 定义sql前端 declare v_1 varchar(1000) default ' SELECTIFNULL(groups,\'total\') as groups '; -- 定义sql 后端 declare v_2 varchar(1000) default ' from (select groups,IFNULL(code,\'total\') as code ,sum(A.price) as prices from ( selectm.groups as groups ,s.code as code,m.price as price from t_supermarket m inner join t_shuiguo s on m.shuiguo = s.id ) A group by groups, code with rollup having groups is not null ) B group by groups with rollup'; -- 定义临时参数 declare v_temp varchar(2000); -- 定义要遍历的变量 declare v_shuiguo varchar(100) ; -- 定义结束变量 declare stop int default 0; -- 定义游标 去查水果列表 declare cur cursor for select code from t_shuiguo ; -- 一个没找到的回调设置 declare continue handler for not found set stop = 1; -- 游标 遍历 拼接sql字符串 OPEN cur; FETCH cur INTO v_shuiguo; WHILE stop = 0 DO if v_temp = '' then set v_temp = CONCAT(v_1,'sum(if(code =\'',v_shuiguo,'\''); set v_1 = CONCAT(v_temp,',prices,0)) as ',v_shuiguo); else set v_temp = ''; set v_temp = CONCAT(v_1,',','sum(if(code =\'',v_shuiguo,'\'',''); set v_1 = CONCAT(v_temp,',prices,0)) as ',v_shuiguo); end if; FETCH cur INTO v_shuiguo; END WHILE; CLOSE cur; set @v_result = CONCAT(v_1,', sum(if(code=\'total\',prices,0)) as \'total\''); set @v_result = CONCAT(@v_result,v_2); -- 执行sql prepare stmt from @v_result; EXECUTE stmt ; deallocate prepare stmt; end $$
call searchShuiguo () 就可以了
接下来添加一个新水果哈密瓜 试试