Genode 12.05:新的USB栈,运行GCC,支持媒体播放

具备运行包括GCC、binutils和GNU make在内的GNU工具链的能力,Genode OS 框架朝着成为一个通用OS又迈进了一大步。刚刚发布的 version 12.05 引入了Genode文件系统基础设施以及对栈式文件系统的支持;扩展了框架API,提供了对即时配置系统组件的支持;加入了媒体回放能力。

Genode 12.05:新的USB栈,运行GCC,支持媒体播放_第1张图片



Genode 12.05: new USB stack, runs GCC, plays media
posted by nfeske on Wed 30th May 2012 11:30 UTC
With the ability to run the GNU tool chain including GCC, binutils, and GNU make, the Genode OS framework has taken another big step towards becoming a general-purpose OS. The just released version 12.05 introduces Genode's file-system infrastructure along with support for stacked file systems, extends the framework API with support for configuring system components on-thy-fly, and adds media replay capabilities.

你可能感兴趣的:(Genode 12.05:新的USB栈,运行GCC,支持媒体播放)