《开源成长策略——Talend 成功模式》邀请函

用户您好, 我谨代表 Talend CTO Cedric Carbone 先生邀请您参加于2010年9月21日9点30分,在北京航空航天大学举行的 Open Source, Open for Business - OW2 Corporate Networking Meeting 会议,届时国内外开源界,软件界的学者精英将会齐聚一堂。

Talend CTO Cédric Carbone 先生将于10:45在大会上做题为“Open Source Growth Strategy:the Talend Success Story”(开源成长战略:Talend成功故事),还愿良机勿错。



会议主办方 OW2 Consortium 是一个致力于让每个人都能使用最好,最可靠的中间件技术的开源社区。OW2 Consortium 于2007年合并了欧洲主要的开源中间件社区 ObjectWeb和中国的 OSS 社区 Orientware之后创建。

如果不幸您不能莅临,您还可以在微博上关注我们。我们的微博建在新浪:@Talend ,域名为http://t.sina.com.cn/talendopensolution


Talend will be exhibiting at the OW2 Open Source Corporate Networking Meeting held in BeiHang University on September, 21. During this event, you will have the opportunity to meet with your peers, scholars and business leaders.

Our CTO, Cédric Carbone, will do a presentation on “Open Source Growth Strategy: the Talend Success Story” at 10h45. Don’t miss it! If you want to know the full agenda of the meeting, go here: http://www.ow2.org/view/Events/OW2OpenSourceBusinessnetworkingmeetingChina

Pre-registration is required for this event. Please fill in the registration form on the following site: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=B1TXRtn_2fmIPvlkWgTgLAqg_3d_3d

OW2 Consortium is an open source community The OW2 Consortium was created in 2007 with the merger of ObjectWeb (European leading Open source middleware communities) and Orientware (China leading OSS communities).

Follow us on sina weibo:@Talend. The domain name is http://t.sina.com.cn/talendopensolution
