maya aliembic 导出的一些重要参数,topicNumber=d30e110406

Some very important parameter for exporting Aliembic from maya

verbos : for output some exporting log to consol

No Normals : very important,  maya can rebuilt normal so DO NOT NEED export normal , and this will reduce a lot of space of cache file.

UV write:  very important,

world space: very important ,by default export is based on object loacal space, so like eye ball and other things must be export in world space.

Write Visibility : important  ,write visibility of object for key frame animation on visibility like baked crack simulation. it is useful

#update 20141228

Renderable only : important, just export renderable things   带有maya ncache的模型会被误认为是unrenderable,这样的物体需要去掉这个选项
