

Everything is an element


  1. WebComponent,并非所有浏览器支持
  2. Polymer的库

    The Polymer library provides a declarative syntax that makes it simpler to define custom elements. And it adds features like two-way data binding, property observation, and gesture support help you build powerful, reusable elements.

  3. 元素,core和paper(为什么起这两个名字)


  1. 声明(必须带有-)
  2. 注册(不需要你来干)
  3. use it


Shadow Dom 和 LightDom

Shadow DOM separates content from presentation thereby eliminating naming conflicts and improving code expression.


  • LightDom
  • ShadowDom
  • ComposedDom



<polymer-element name="my-custom-element" noscript>
    <span>People say: </span>
      <content select="q"></content> 

The span, content, and footer elements are encapsulated within the custom element and hidden from the rest of the page.


  <q>Hello World</q> <!-- part of my-custom-element's light DOM -->

The light DOM of is visible to the end-user of the element as a normal subtree. The end-user can access .childNodes, .children, .innerHTML, or any other property or method that gives information about a node’s subtree.
.childNodes, .children, .innerHTML,是用document.querySelector选出来的东西,childNodes, children, innerHTML是看不见shadowDom的内容的。谁用my-custom-element都可以屏蔽my-custom-element里头的内容?

关于HTML5 shadowDom和选择器(css)

ShadowDom - 001,key, document, createShadowRoot, template, content.select

css and styling

  #host::shadow span {
    color: red;

<div id="host">
  <span>Light DOM</span>

  var host = document.querySelector('div');
  var root = host.createShadowRoot();
  root.innerHTML = "<span>Shadow DOM</span>" + 

/deep/ The /deep/ combinator is similar to ::shadow, but more powerful. It completely ignores all shadow boundaries and crosses into any number of shadow trees. Put simply, /deep/ allows you to drill into an element's guts and target any node.


WebComponent Polyfills

webcomponents.js 为现代浏览器提供WebComponent支持

This is a collection of libraries (or “polyfills”) for new web technologies that haven’t shipped yet across all browsers. The web components polyfills make it possible for developers to use these standards today across all modern browsers. As these technologies are implemented in browsers, the polyfills will shrink and you’ll gain the benefits of native implementations.

