beans in a jar won a prize

and plenty of partying

Boating season is here, warm weather or not. And regattas are a big part of the season, especially poker runs. The Associated Yacht Clubs has five regattas, and members who attend get a sealed poker card to use at the final regatta and poker hand slated for Aug. 23 25 at Point Place Boat Club.

Toledo Sailing Club, tucked behind Walbridge Park on the Maumee River, was packed to the gills Friday and Saturday for the annual regatta, and parking was at a premium. The club, begun in 1941 for sailing enthusiasts, has changed over the years as many sailors traded wind vessels for power boats, leaving less than Cheap Jerseys a handful of sail boats in the docks. But that doesn't stop the club from hosting the sailing regatta every year, and it doesn't stop the power boaters from joining the festivities.

More than Wholesale Jerseys 150 boats docked each night, and who knows how many people: It was shoulder to shoulder inside the club and on the deck. Friday night's kickoff party offered spirited beverages and plenty of eats, but the real fun began later during the Commodore's $1.98 Beauty Contest. It was a real hoot as confident men in ladies' apparel strutted their stuff. Bearded Bob Eischen of Toledo Yacht Club did the dance of the seven veils, painted toenails and all. But the hot looking Jeff Hagedorn of Maumee River Yacht Club was the winner with his Moulin Rouge performance. He shaved his beard, and even his own Lady Jeannne barely recognized him clean shaven and in the glittery, corseted ensemble with seamed nylons, high heels, and a top hat as he sashayed to "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend."

Saturday morning breakfast occurred at 8, followed by racing, lunch, and an afternoon commodore's reception serenaded by Mike Brookshire of Atlanta's summertime tunes. At the Tiki bar Larry and Luann Hill sated guests' thirst with Parrot Paul Pinatas and Pucker Paul shots in honor of TSC's Commodore Paul Rang, who was there with his Lady Mary. Members brought tidbits ranging from homemade meatballs to sailboat and anchor shaped cookies and candies. Meanwhile it was a buck a duck for the duck races. Was this Toledo, Ohio? The sunny afternoon was beautiful, as were the evening and the sunset. Guests rocked to Green Means Go band. Spotted were Doug Hoff of TSC, Bud and Della Morgan of Harbor View Yacht Club, John and Diane Lark of Maumee River Yacht Club, Richard Minarcin of Harbor View Yacht Club, Ken and Gloria Zoltanski of TSC, and Carol and Rob Wolas of Swan Boat Club in Newport, Mich. Committee chairmen Anne Gilsdorf and Roger Van Gunten, both of TSC, were assisted by a vast committee including John Bureau of Perrysburg Boat Club and John Dent of River View Yacht Club.

Perrysburg Boat Club's "Red, White and Blue for 2002" Regatta took place the previous weekend. The club, hidden behind Perry's monument, was in its finest amid twinkle lights, umbrellas, and patriotic burgees. And the starlit nights were picture perfect. Clam Diggers were served for the brave breakfast folks early Saturday morning before the races, Cheap NFL Jerseys then lunch was followed by a dinner party. Ken Alexander in his red, white, and blue from head to toe, to match his Stars and Stripes boat, was at the bar. Joey Sickles made spirited punch, and Sue Whitmire made Jell o shots. Ed Plante grilled chicken, and Dick Ritter prepared his famous green beans. Cindy and Brock Rimmelin and Lyman Spitzer did their duties as servers, while dinner chairmen Patrice Spitzer and Sue Ritter kept things moving. It was so nice outside that several members stayed overnight on their boats, especially ones with air conditioning, including Denny Whitmire's boat. Seen were Commodore Peter Jacobson and his Lady Pat, Barbara and Don Durkin, Debbi and Kurt Grosskopf, Mary Ann and Wayne Eilers, and Mike and Lisa Suleski of Indian Hill Boat Club, next to Toledo Country Club. Longtime member Marilyn Bureau was there but left before the place started rocking. Guests included former Perrysburgers Nadine and Nanette Hoste and Sally Hancock. Regatta chairman was Don Hoste.

The Second Annual Latino Fest downtown over the weekend started Friday night with the CitiFest Fifth Third Rally by the River featuring local talent. Full blown Latino entertainment followed on Saturday in Promenade Park with ethnic foods and merchandise, family activities, and dancing to Latin jazz, tropical salsa, Mexican Tejano, and Caribbean rhythms. Executive chairmen Consuelo Hernandez, Celso Rodriguez, and Margarita DeLeon were assisted by committee members Robert Rodriguez, Tony Rios, Arturo Ortiz, Andrea Rodriguez, Theresa Morris, Betty Rios, Alvina Costilla, Phillip Barbosa, Bob Salazar, Florence Flores, and Roberto Colon.

Across the river at Navy Bistro, Toledo Jazz Society's third annual Art Tatum Jazz Heritage Festival was kicked off Friday night too. Alrey, and party Chairwoman Gina Thompson. Also seen were Melanie and Bennett Johnson, Rich Fiser and Sandy Rymers, and Peter Ujvagi.

Saturday's festival in International Park included the internationally renowned Ray Brown Trio featuring Toledo native Larry Fuller and Karriem Riggins. Mr. Brown cruised into town in honor of the late jazz great and Toledo native Art Tatum. Guests listened to jazz, R funk, boogie woogie, and more and strolled the area.

The Sandpiper Boat, a river boat cruise line is a popular choice for warm weather parties. Captain Mary Dalby, a salty dog of a seafaring lady, said groups range from rehearsal dinners and birthday parties to annual get togethers and just for fun parties. Guests board the boat in Promenade Park and cruise on the Maumee River as they sip beverages and nibble foods brought by whoever is in charge of the party. Some prefer catering, while others prefer to bring the eats themselves.

Toledo Dental Alliance members boarded the Sandpiper June 7 for the organization's annual Spring Wine Tasting. Vino was provided by Tim Schulien and victuals were catered by Premiere Catering. Jimmy Buffet tunes played in the background as guests sipped, supped, and did sightseeing of riverfront landmarks including the first Rally by the River of the season. Organizers of the relaxing event were President Kim Kastner, there with her husband, Mike, and Vice President Kendra Hires, there with her husband, Rick.

Kay and Mark Rasmus hosted a party June 12 aboard the Sandpiper. They bought the party at a fund raising auction, and the package included catering by the Lighthouse Caf . Beer and wine were brought by Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus for their guests.

Inverness Club's Mexican Party Poolside was taken indoors Saturday just in case of rain it was a bit chilly. But it didn't stop the fun for guests as they tasted complimentary margaritas and hors d'oeuvres in the cantina. Later, guests feasted on a dinner buffet of Mexican favorites; then calories were burned as guests packed the dance floor while the sounds of KGB band played till nearly midnight. Chairmen of the event were Tom and Becky Hauck and Tom and Lynn Hamway.

Which fork is it again?

A Toledo Youth Etiquette Luncheon is slated for June 29 at the Toledo Museum of Art. The class by Talented Youth Development, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Dearborn, Mich., is directed by Toledo native Kim Johnson. Interested adults may also register with a child. Tickets are $50 each.

Everything came up frogs Saturday night at the home of Patty Teufel and her husband, Ross Shriver. The couple bought two big ones at the It's Reigning Frogs fund raiser last fall, and the weather was right enough to strut their stuff and have a party in honor of their amphibians, from Farmer Jack's and Blue Cross.

In honor of the occasion, frogs were everywhere. Even the food served on green plates and frog print table clothes, suggested a picnic on a pond: everything from lily pad canapes, a swamp of asparagus, and kabobs held with frog picks to lily pad shaped candies and decorated cakes. The caterer's name appeared planned too: Bob Toedter.

Guests leaped into the spirit of the theme with green as the popular color with added embellishments of the frog persuasion. Comments like "I have a frog in my throat" were made when in need of a spirited beverage. One couldn't beat the hosts' get ups, which included frog hats. Mr. Shriver joked that he kept waiting for ladies to kiss him, hoping to turn into a prince. Ms. Teufel laughed when guests asked whether frog legs would be served. She replied: "No. We're honoring frogs tonight." Indoors, outdoors, and all around the house were frogs, and guests who were sharp enough counted the correct number for prizes. The correct number of green jelly beans in a jar won a prize too. But everyone went home a winner because guests were asked to bring an amphibian theme gift to exchange.

Seen were Dan and Mary Strohmeier, Carole Almashy, Rose Malloy, Tom and Dottie Nortz, Sharon Malecky, Arlene Shanner, and birthday gal Joanne Koenigseker and her husband, Norm.

你可能感兴趣的:(beans in a jar won a prize)