java -Djava.ext.dirs={lib}

     java-Djava.ext.dirs = (lib)

If U are in a hurry to compile code and there is a big list of Jar files to include in the classpath, there U don't have to struggle to include the names of all the jar's in the classpath. 

There is a neat trick - use the "java.ext.dirs" JVM param to point to the directory containing the jar files. 

java-Djava.ext.dirs = c: \ java \ axis-1_1 \ lib-classpath classes MyJavaClass 

Or set the environment variable variable name lib 
Variable c: \ java \ axis-1_1 \ lib 

java-Djava.ext.dirs =% lib%-classpath classes MyJavaClass   


                   -D set a system property(设置系统属性)  


                   java -Djava.ext.dirs = c:\ lib \ java \ axis-1_1   -classpath 类


 set Java_Cmd=java -Djava.ext.dirs=%Axis_Lib% 说明:执行java命令在java.ext.dirs=%Axis_Lib%(设置这些jar包在classpath下)环境下
