
Announcing Opa: Making Web Programming Transparent
posted by hbbio on Thu 25th Aug 2011 22:14 UTC
发表于:2011年8月26日 北京时间06:14

"Opa, a new opensource programming language aiming to make web development transparent has been publicly launched. Opa automatically generates client-side Javascript and handles communication and session control. The ultimate goal of this project is to allow writing distributed web applications using a single programming language to code application logics, database queries and user interfaces. Among existing applications already developed in Opa, some are worth a look. Best place to start is the project homepage which contains extensive documentation while the code of the technology is on GitHub. A programming challenge ends October 17th."
“Opa,一个致力于使Web开发透明的新式开源编程语言已公开启动。Opa能自动生成客户端Javascript并进行通信和会话控制。该项目的终极目标是实现只使用一个语言而完成分布式Web应用从应用逻辑,到数据库查询,再到用户界面的全部代码编写工作。在已有的 由Opa开发的应用当中,有一些值得一看。 GitHub是开启这一项目 主页最好的地方,有着该技术有关的代码及大量的 文档。一场 编程挑战赛将于十月17日截止。”


英文原文: http://www.osnews.com/story/25102/Announcing_Opa_Making_Web_Programming_Transparent
译文原文: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=62491&forum=72
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