int fd = ashmem_create_region("SharedRegionName", size); if(fd == 0) { data = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if(data != MAP_FAILED) { /* It works do your stuff*/ } }
sp<imemoryheap> memHeap = ... reply->writeStrongBinder(memHeap->asBinder())
sp<imemoryheap> memHeap; memHeap = interface_cast<imemoryheap> (reply.readStrongBinder());
/* * IEneabuffer.h * Created on: 19 mars 2010 Author: Zingo Andersen * License: Public Domain (steal and use what you like) * * Buffer classes to handle the binder communication */ #ifndef IENEABUFFER_H_ #define IENEABUFFER_H_ #include <utils/RefBase.h> #include <binder/IInterface.h> #include <binder/Parcel.h> #include <binder/IMemory.h> #include <utils/Timers.h> namespace android { class IEneaBuffer: public IInterface { public: DECLARE_META_INTERFACE(EneaBuffer); virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getBuffer() = 0; }; /* --- Server side --- */ class BnEneaBuffer: public BnInterface<IEneaBuffer> { public: virtual status_t onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0); }; }; // namespace android #endif /* IENEABUFFER_H_ */
/* * IEneaBuffer.cpp * Created on: 19 mars 2010 Author: Zingo Andersen * License: Public Domain (steal and use what you like) * * Buffer classes to handle the binder communication */ //#define LOG_TAG "IEneaBuffer" #include <utils/Log.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h> #include <IEneaBuffer.h> namespace android { enum { GET_BUFFER = IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION }; /* --- Client side --- */ class BpEneaBuffer: public BpInterface<IEneaBuffer> { public: BpEneaBuffer(const sp<IBinder>& impl) : BpInterface<IEneaBuffer>(impl) { } sp<IMemoryHeap> getBuffer() { Parcel data, reply; sp<IMemoryHeap> memHeap = NULL; data.writeInterfaceToken(IEneaBuffer::getInterfaceDescriptor()); // This will result in a call to the onTransact() // method on the server in it's context (from it's binder threads) remote()->transact(GET_BUFFER, data, &reply); memHeap = interface_cast<IMemoryHeap> (reply.readStrongBinder()); return memHeap; } }; IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(EneaBuffer, "android.vendor.IEneaBuffer"); /* --- Server side --- */ status_t BnEneaBuffer::onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { switch (code) { case GET_BUFFER: { CHECK_INTERFACE(IEneaBuffer, data, reply); sp<IMemoryHeap> Data = getBuffer(); if (Data != NULL) { reply->writeStrongBinder(Data->asBinder()); } return NO_ERROR; break; } default: return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } } }; // namespace android
/* * EneaBufferServer.cpp * Created on: 19 mars 2010 Author: Zingo Andersen * License: Public Domain (steal and use what you like) * * The Server will create a shared area that the client will then use * The server will initiate the first int in the area and print it's value every * 5s. If you start the client in parallell it will try to change this value * (value=value+1). */ #include "IEneaBuffer.h" #include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h> #include <binder/IServiceManager.h> #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h> namespace android { #define MEMORY_SIZE 10*1024 /* 10Kb shared memory*/ class EneaBufferService : public BnEneaBuffer { public: static void instantiate(); EneaBufferService(); virtual ~EneaBufferService(); virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getBuffer(); private: sp<MemoryHeapBase> mMemHeap; }; sp<IMemoryHeap> EneaBufferService::getBuffer() { return mMemHeap; } void EneaBufferService::instantiate() { status_t status; status = defaultServiceManager()->addService(String16("vendor.enea.Buffer"), new EneaBufferService()); } EneaBufferService::EneaBufferService() { //The memory is allocated using a MemoryHeapBase, and thereby is using ashmem mMemHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(MEMORY_SIZE); unsigned int *base = (unsigned int *) mMemHeap->getBase(); *base=0xdeadcafe; //Initiate first value in buffer } EneaBufferService::~EneaBufferService() { mMemHeap = 0; } static sp<IMemoryHeap> receiverMemBase; unsigned int * getBufferMemPointer(void) { static sp<IEneaBuffer> eneaBuffer; /* Get the buffer service */ if (eneaBuffer == NULL) { sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); sp<IBinder> binder; binder = sm->getService(String16("vendor.enea.Buffer")); if (binder != 0) { eneaBuffer = IEneaBuffer::asInterface(binder); } } if (eneaBuffer == NULL) { LOGE("The buffer service is not published"); return (unsigned int *)-1; /* return an errorcode... */ } else { receiverMemBase = eneaBuffer->getBuffer(); return (unsigned int *) receiverMemBase->getBase(); } } } using namespace android; int main(int argc, char** argv) { unsigned int *base; EneaBufferService::instantiate(); //Create binder threads for this "server" ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); LOGD("Server is up and running"); base = getBufferMemPointer(); for(;;) { LOGD("EneaBufferServer base=%p Data=0x%x", base,*base); sleep(5); } // wait for threads to stop // IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); return 0; }
{ AID_MEDIA, "vendor.enea.Buffer" },
/* * EneaBufferClient.cpp * Created on: 19 mars 2010 Author: Zingo Andersen * License: Public Domain (steal and use what you like) * * Get the shared memory buffer from the server and change the first int value * by adding one to it. The Server should be running in parallell pleas view * the logcat for the result */ #include "IEneaBuffer.h" #include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h> #include <binder/IServiceManager.h> namespace android { static sp<IMemoryHeap> receiverMemBase; unsigned int * getBufferMemPointer(void) { static sp<IEneaBuffer> eneaBuffer = 0; /* Get the buffer service */ if (eneaBuffer == NULL) { sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); sp<IBinder> binder; binder = sm->getService(String16("vendor.enea.Buffer")); if (binder != 0) { eneaBuffer = IEneaBuffer::asInterface(binder); } } if (eneaBuffer == NULL) { LOGE("The EneaBufferServer is not published"); return (unsigned int *)-1; /* return an errorcode... */ } else { receiverMemBase = eneaBuffer->getBuffer(); return (unsigned int *) receiverMemBase->getBase(); } } } using namespace android; int main(int argc, char** argv) { // base could be on same address as Servers base but this // is purely by luck do NEVER rely on this. Linux memory // management may put it wherever it likes. unsigned int *base = getBufferMemPointer(); if(base != (unsigned int *)-1) { LOGD("EneaBufferClient base=%p Data=0x%x\n",base, *base); *base = (*base)+1; LOGD("EneaBufferClient base=%p Data=0x%x CHANGED\n",base, *base); receiverMemBase = 0; } else { LOGE("Error shared memory not available\n"); } return 0; }
# Ashmem shared buffer example # Created on: 19 mars 2010 Author: Zingo Andersen # License: Public Domain (steal and use what you like) LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) # # BufferServer # include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= \ IEneaBuffer.cpp \ EneaBufferServer.cpp \ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES:= libcutils libutils libbinder LOCAL_MODULE:= EneaBufferServer LOCAL_CFLAGS+=-DLOG_TAG=\"EneaBufferServer\" LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE:=false include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) # # BufferClient # include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= \ IEneaBuffer.cpp \ EneaBufferClient.cpp \ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES:= libcutils libutils libbinder LOCAL_MODULE:= EneaBufferClient LOCAL_CFLAGS+=-DLOG_TAG=\"EneaBufferClient\" LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE:=false include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)
Hi Rebecka & Zingo,
it seems that whenever you publish code snippets including the template sp, the type-name is mistakenly interpreted as a non-existing HTML-tag. I.e. the type-name will not be shown.
You need to use & g t ; and & l t ; (without the spaces in-between) instead of > and < when publishing.
Besides from that, thanks for your excellent work!
Fixed, thanx for the input, missed that the <pre> tag didn't take care of this, sorry.
ReplyDelete Hi members,
I am new android technology, can any one provide me detailed information regarding (ashmem, binder, alarm, power manager). what is the purpose of these driver in android kernel.
Kolanchinathan S
[email protected]
Hi, Thank you for the example code. I was able to get this compiled for android 2.3 but I am not sure what to do about registering the service with the service manager:
{ AID_MEDIA, "vendor.enea.Buffer" },
Will I need to recompile all the android source to make this change?
When I try to start the server (without adding the service to service_manager) the status code returned in the instantiate method is -1.
status = defaultServiceManager()->addService(String16("vendor.enea.Buffer"), new EneaBufferService());
Thank you.
Hi, Rebecka & Zingo.
It compliments for the optimal supplied guide. Taking cue from your example, I must develop an example that functions with Android. The problem is that I do not know like making and from where beginning. I have felt to speak about NDK and JNI but I do not know like creating the interface in Java.
If give a hand to me, of I would be happy.