Public Sub 抓上海指数全部() '删除上次结果sheet delectsh Dim ie, dmt, an, selectONE Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") '创建一个IE对象 With ie .Visible = False '显示它 .navigate "" '加载某个页面 Do Until .ReadyState = 4 '等待页面加载完毕 DoEvents Loop Set dmt = .document '将IE浏览器加载的页面文档,赋予dmt变量 Set selectONE = dmt.getElementsByName("year") With selectONE Set option_year = .Item(0) For i = 0 To option_year.Length - 1 Dim year year = option_year.Item(i).innerText '创建年份sheet newsheet (year) 抓上海指数按年 (year) Next i End With End With Set ie = Nothing End Sub Function 抓上海指数按年(year As String) Dim URL, last_row, i last_row = 0 Cells.Clear For i = 1 To 4 ' URL = "" & year & "&jidu=" & i Set sheet_year = Worksheets(year) With sheet_year.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ "URL;" & URL, _ Destination:=sheet_year.Range("A" & last_row + 1)) .WebTables = "FundHoldSharesTable" .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False End With last_row = sheet_year.[A65536].End(xlUp).Row Set sheet_year = Nothing Next End Function Public Sub delectsh() Dim c As Worksheet For Each c In Worksheets If Left(, 3) <> "set" Then '这里的“set”区分大小写 Application.DisplayAlerts = False '删除时不用确认 c.Delete End If Next c End Sub Function newsheet(name As String) sname = name 'Sheets(Sheets.Count).name 'abc = DateSerial(Left(sname, 4), Mid(sname, 5, 2), Right(sname, 2)) + 1 'sname = year(abc) & Format(Month(abc), "00") & Format(Day(abc), "00") '=========================================================== Sheets.Add = sname '=========================================================== End Function