
是 这样的一个点子:一个城市操作系统(Urban OS ),汇集从埋藏在建筑物等处的传感器传来的数据,以此监控整个城市的状态。这些传感器监控着大至整个城市的交通流量,小至诸如每个房间的气温等的数据。该 操作系统完全取代人来管理如交通灯、空调或水泵等影响城市生活质量的传感器和设备的通信。

Smart cities with devices chatting to each other may dot the planet in the near future

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Smart Cities Get Their Own Operating System
posted by David Adams on Mon 3rd Oct 2011 17:32 UTC, submitted by Dale Smoker
The idea is for the Urban OS to gather data from sensors buried in buildings and many other places to keep an eye on what is happening in an urban area. The sensors monitor everything from large scale events such as traffic flows across the entire city down to more local phenomena such as temperature sensors inside individual rooms. The OS completely bypasses humans to manage communication between sensors and devices such as traffic lights, air conditioning or water pumps that influence the quality of city life.   
