
“在硬盘存储器的世界里,密度为王。希捷刚刚成就了一个大的突破,保证了下一个十年存储容量的大幅度增长。该突破使得一平方英寸(合6.4516 cm2)空间能存储1TB数据,打破了当前的3T比特(gigabits)硬盘总容量极限,有效地开拓了接下来几年更大容量硬盘的市场。那这一存储里程碑 所能带来的提升空间到底有多大呢?当前硬盘驱动器最大能达到每平方英寸620T比特,也即意味着希捷对当前硬盘容量的提升度达50%以上。然而,这还只是 刚刚开始!”


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Seagate breaks 1 terabit barrier, 60TB hard drives possible
posted by David Adams on Tue 20th Mar 2012 17:27 UTC, submitted by sawboss
"In the world of hard drives storage, density is king and Seagate has just achieved a major breakthrough that guarantees major storage gains for the next decade. That breakthrough is managing to squeeze 1 terabit (1 trillion bits) of data into a square inch or space, effectively opening the way for larger hard drives over the coming years beyond the 3TB maximum we currently enjoy. How much of an improvement does this storage milestone offer? Current hard drives max out at around 620 gigabits per square inch, meaning Seagate has improved upon that by over 50%. However, that's just the beginning."       
