RC版经两个月的测试后,Syllable 项目正式发布了Syllable Desktop 0.6.7。 发行注记详细描述了诸多的变更和新增功能,比如Syllable 中的首个3D功能(如下图)的加入。其他亮点包括, REBOL 3 和 Boron 现已被包含,系统现已为即将到来的高级 Red 程序语言作好了准备。
下载与安装指令在此。 附加软件的官方地址在此。此外, 近百个SDL程序在此。
- 改进文档。
- 改进安装,支持特殊配置如华硕EeePC。
- 改进了对键盘的支持。安装与登录无需鼠标即可完成。
- 自动登录:可以设置一个免输密码自动登录的用户帐户。
- 用于内存映射与异步的I/O的POSIX(可移植性操作系统接口)接口在内核中实现。
- 改进了对Intel eepro100网络驱动和Intellipoint PS/2鼠标的支持。
- 改进了本地应用。Web浏览器记忆cookie功能已经被修复。新增一FTP客户端。
- 改进了对SDL程序语言的支持。近百个SDL程序(“Bogomips” ported)可以使用,无需拓展系统。
- 升级了多媒体支持。现可播放Flash视频。
- 通过移植Mesa3D 和PicoGL,实现了首个3D支持。
- 为运行虚拟机,引入了QEmu;内存映射与异步的I/O带来了其性能的提升。
- 为实现Windows 兼容网络,引入了SaMBa。
- OpenSSH的服务器部分,现在提供向Syllable的远程访问。
- SQLite已被包含;Fossil版本控制系统已被移入。
- 重构系统以使其更加用户友好。
转载请注明:Linux人社区> 英文资讯翻译专版.编译

Syllable Desktop 0.6.7 released
posted by Kaj-de-Vos on Fri 13th Apr 2012 11:20 UTC

After two months of testing the release candidate, the Syllable project presents Syllable Desktop 0.6.7. The release notes detail many changes and additions, such as the first 3D functionality in Syllable ( screenshot - the screenshot shows tearing because the demos are animating at full speed. This is an artifact of the screenshot process, not of the actual display). Other highlights include that REBOL 3 and Boron are now included and that the system is now prepared for the upcoming high-level Red programming language.Download and installation instructions are here. The official location for extra software is here. Further, almost hundred SDL programs are here.
Further highlights of this release include:
- Improved documentation.
- Improved installation, with support for specific configurations such as the Asus EeePC.
- The system is much more usable with a keyboard. Installation and log-in can now be completed without a mouse.
- Auto-login: you can set a user account to log in automatically without entering a password.
- POSIX interfaces for memory mapped and async I/O implemented in the kernel.
- Improved support for Intel eepro100 network driver and Intellipoint PS/2 mice.
- Improved native applications. The web browser was fixed to remember cookies again. An FTP client was added.
- Improved support for SDL programs. Almost hundred SDL programs that “Bogomips” ported can now be used without extending the system.
- Upgraded multimedia support. Flash videos can now be played./li>
- First 3D support implemented, through porting of Mesa3D and PicoGL.
- QEmu now included for running Virtual Machines, with improved performance due to memory mapped and async I/O.
- SaMBa now included for Windows compatible networking.
- The server part of OpenSSH now works for remote access to Syllable./li>
- SQLite now included and Fossil version control system ported.
- System restructuring to make it more user friendly.