Tizen:最新的移动 Linux 被推出

Tizen:最新的移动 Linux 被推出

“Intel 和 Samsung ,现已被确认正工作于Linux基金会的大伞之下,与Limo基金会合作,开发一个新的基于Linux的移动操作系统。曾经关于这两家公司对MeeGo未 来大计的流言一度纷纷扬扬,一个新操作系统Tizen的推出却是如此的始料未及。Tizen操作系统将结合MeeGo和Limo组件,强调对基于 HTML5的应用和WAC(Wholesale Applications Community,大规模应用软件开发联盟)发行以及API的支持。WAC是一系列移动公司的产品,这些公司为移动小工具和应用程序开发出了一个基于 W3C标准的统一的平台。”

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Tizen: the Latest Mobile Linux Announced
posted by Thom Holwerda on Thu 29th Sep 2011 19:48 UTC, submitted by fran
"Intel and Samsung are now confirmed to be working under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation, and with the cooperation of the Limo Foundation, on 'Tizen', a new mobile operating system based on Linux. Various rumours about the parties' future plans for MeeGo and merging of plans have been in circulation, but the announcement of a new operating system was unexpected. The Tizen operating system will combine components of MeeGo and Limo with an emphasis on supporting HTML5-based applications and WAC (Wholesale Applications Community) distribution and APIs. WAC is the product of a number of mobile companies who have developed a uniform platform for mobile widgets and applications based on W3C standards."   

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