微软为Linux 3.0贡献了361个变更

Microsoft Contributes 361 Changes to Linux 3.0
微软为Linux 3.0贡献了361个变更
posted by Thom Holwerda on Sun 17th Jul 2011 20:58 UTC, submitted by fran
发表于:2011年7月18日 北京时间04:58

微软为Linux 3.0贡献了361个变更_第1张图片

It's strange. Microsoft has been patent trolling the heck out of the Linux kernel for a long time now, and is still using these patents against Android today in its protection money scheme. However, as LWN.net illustrates, Microsoft makes quite a few contributions to the Linux kernel. Shouldn't this invalidate their patent claims?
很奇怪是吧?微软一直在以专利之名驱逐Linux内核;并且今日,依其保护费策略,正使用这些专利在控诉Android。然而,如 LWN.net所述, 微软其实还为Linux内核做出了相当一部分贡献呢。但这难道就能抵消它们的专利之谋吗?

LWN.net regularly investigates and summarises the various contributions to the Linux kernel, making lists of who contributes the most. Now that version 3.0 of the Linux kernel is about to hit the big wide world, it was time for another one of these investigations.

Microsoft proposed a total of 361 changes to the Linux kernel, putting it in seventh place on the list of companies contributing the most to the kernel. To give you an idea - Red Hat provided 1000 changes, and Intel 839. Independent developers contributed 1085 change sets.
微软向Linux内核总共推出361项变更,在对内核的贡献企业列表上排第七位。给你一个概念——红帽提供了1000项变更,Intel 839项。独立开发者共1085项。

Now, this doesn't say a whole lot, since it doesn't take the size of the changes into account. As H-Online notes, Microsoft's changes are small and touch only a few lines of code; Microsoft changed 11564 lines of code (1.3%), while Intel, for instance, changed a whopping 163232 lines (18.1%). Most of Microsoft's code revolve around the driver for its HyperV virtualisation interface
然而,这也不能说明太多问题,因为它没有将变更大小纳入考察之 中。如H-Online所述,微软的变更十分小,且仅涉及几行代码;微软变更了11564行代码(1.3%),而Intel,比如,变更了163232行 代码(18.1%)。微软大部分的代码变更都与其HyperV virtualisation界面的驱动相关。


英文原文: http://www.osnews.com/story/24960/Microsoft_Contributes_361_Changes_to_Linux_3_0
译文原文: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=61962&forum=72
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