25美元 Linux PC 'Raspberry Pi' 一月上市

盼望已久的信用卡大小、价值25美元的计算机 Raspberry Pi将于年初上市。第一轮Beta版设备已经处于测试之中。如果一切顺利,一月你将能买到它。

25美元 Linux PC 'Raspberry Pi' 一月上市_第1张图片

Raspberry Pi上的Ubuntu

你可能不知道的:Raspberry Pi 可被插入电视或键盘里面。在它上面可以做很多你在桌面PC上可做的事,像电子表格、字处理、游戏等。它还能播放高分辨率视频。该设备搭载ARM处理器,一 个USB集线器,一个HDMI输出,一个3.5mm耳机孔,并原生支持Linux。

Debian, Fedora 和ArchLinux 从一开始将被支持;更多发行将在后期被加上。


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$25 Linux PC 'Raspberry Pi' to Go in Production Early Next Year
Dec 31, 2011, 06 :00 UTC ( 2 Talkback) (4631 reads)
Much awaited credit card size $25 computer Raspberry Pi is about to go in production early next year. First run beta devices are currently being tested. If all goes well, you will be able to purchase it in January.
If you don't know, Raspberry Pi can plug into your TV and a keyboard. It can be used for many of the things your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. The device will come with an ARM processor, a USB hub, an HDMI out, a 3.5mm jack and will support Linux out of the box.
Debian, Fedora and ArchLinux will be supported from the start and more distributions will be added later on.
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