Hadoop 2.2 and Flume 1.4 Protobuf Problem and Solution

Hadoop 2.2 uses protobuf 2.5 for its RPC, and Flume loads its older packaged version of protobuf ahead of Hadoop’s, which causes this error. To fix this you’ll need to move both protobuf and guava out of Flume’s lib directory. The following command moves them into your home directory.

$ mv ${flume_bin}/lib/{protobuf-java-2.4.1.jar,guava-10.0.1.jar} ~/

Now if you restart your Flume agent you’ll be able to target HDFS as a sink with Hadoop 2.2. Great success!

Flume’s next release will move to protobuf 2.5  so this problem should magically disappear in due course.
