Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Module Installation

Catalyst 6000 Series Switch
Catalyst 6006 switch―6-slot chassis
Catalyst 6009 switch―9-slot chassis
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch
Catalyst 6503 switch―3-slot chassis
Catalyst 6506 switch―6-slot chassis
Catalyst 6509 switch―9-slot chassis
Catalyst 6509-NEB switch―9-slot vertical chassis
Catalyst 6509-NEB-A switch―9-slot vertical chassis
Catalyst 6513 switch―13-slot chassis
Cisco 7600 Series Router
Cisco 7603 router―3-slot chassis
Cisco 7606 router―6-slot chassis
Cisco 7609 router―9-slot vertical chassis
Cisco 7613 router―13-slot chassis
Figure 1 Positioning the Module in a Horizontal Slot Chassis
Figure 2 Clearing the EMI Gasket in a Horizontal Slot Chassis
Figure 3 Ejector Lever Closure in a Horizontal Slot Chassis
Figure 4 Positioning the Module in a Vertical Slot Chassis
Figure 5 Clearing the EMI Gasket in a Vertical Slot Chassis
Figure 6 Ejector Lever Closure in a Vertical Slot Chassis
Enter the show module or show port [ mod_num/port_num] command to verify that the system acknowledges the new modules and has brought them online.
This example shows the output of the show module command:
Console> show module 
Mod Slot Ports Module-Type               Model               Sub Status
--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --- --------
1   1    2     1000BaseX Supervisor      WS-X6K-SUP1A-2GE    yes ok
15  1    1     Multilayer Switch Feature WS-F6K-MSFC         no  ok
8   8    48    10/100BaseTX Ethernet     WS-X6248-RJ-45      no  ok
9   9    48    10/100BaseTX Ethernet     WS-X6348-RJ-45      yes ok

Mod Module-Name         Serial-Num
--- ------------------- -----------
1                       SAD03436055
15                      SAD03432597
9                       SAD03414268

Mod MAC-Address(es)                        Hw     Fw         Sw
--- -------------------------------------- ------ ---------- --------------
1   00-30-80-f7-a5-06 to 00-30-80-f7-a5-07 1.0    5.2(1)     6.1(0.12)
    00-30-80-f7-a5-04 to 00-30-80-f7-a5-05
    00-30-a3-4a-a0-00 to 00-30-a3-4a-a3-ff
15  00-d0-bc-ee-d0-dc to 00-d0-bc-ee-d1-1b 1.2    12.0(3)XE1 12.0(3)XE1
8   00-d0-c0-c8-83-ac to 00-d0-c0-c8-83-db 1.1    4.2(0.24)V 6.1(0.37)FTL
9   00-50-3e-7c-43-00 to 00-50-3e-7c-43-2f 0.201  5.3(1)

Mod Sub-Type                Sub-Model           Sub-Serial  Sub-Hw
--- ----------------------- ------------------- ----------- ------
1   L3 Switching Engine     WS-F6K-PFC          SAD03451187 1.0
9   Inline Power Module     WS-F6K-VPWR                     1.0

Checking Connectivity

To check connectivity on any switching module port, perform these tasks:
Ping a host.
ping host
If the host is unresponsive, check the IP address of the switch and default IP route, if appropriate.
show interface
show ip route

For example, to ping a host named server1, enter this command:
Console> ping server1 
server1 is alive
