This article describes install solaris 11 over a network.It will show you how to create an install server and configure it.
1.Enable svc:/network/dns/multicast:default service:
- [root@pkg:~]# svcs -a|grep dns
- disabled 20:40:37 svc:/network/dns/server:default
- online 20:41:27 svc:/network/dns/client:default
- online 22:02:24 svc:/network/dns/multicast:default
2.Get Local Network information:
- [root@pkg:~]# getent netmasks
3.Check following packages:
- [root@pkg:~]# pkg info installadm
- Name: install/installadm
- Summary: installadm utility
- Description: Automatic Installation Server Setup Tools
- Category: System/Administration and Configuration
- State: Installed
- Publisher: solaris
- Version: 0.5.11
- Build Release: 5.11
- Branch:
- Packaging Date: October 19, 2011 12:26:24 PM
- Size: 1.04 MB
- FMRI: pkg://solaris/install/[email protected],5.11-
4.Create Install Service by installadm command:
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm create-service -n auto_install -s /mnt/solaris/sol-11-1111-ai-x86.iso -i -c 5
- Creating service from: /mnt/solaris/sol-11-1111-ai-x86.iso
- OK to use default image path: /export/auto_install/auto_install? [y/N]: y
- Setting up the image ...
- Creating service: auto_install
- Image path: /export/auto_install/auto_install
- Starting DHCP server...
- Adding IP range to local DHCP configuration
- Refreshing install services
- Creating default-i386 alias.
- Setting the default PXE bootfile in the local DHCP configuration to
- 'default-i386/boot/grub/pxegrub'
- Refreshing install services
5.Check Install Service:
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm list
- Service Name Alias Of Status Arch Image Path
- ------------ -------- ------ ---- ----------
- auto_install - on x86 /export/auto_install/auto_install
- default-i386 auto_install on x86 /export/auto_install/auto_install
6.Add Clients To Install Server:
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm create-client -e 00:0C:29:99:21:A5 -n auto_install
- Adding host entry for 00:0C:29:99:21:A5 to local DHCP configuration.
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm create-client -e 00:0C:29:E9:B6:5E -n auto_install
- Adding host entry for 00:0C:29:E9:B6:5E to local DHCP configuration.
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm list -c
- Service Name Client Address Arch Image Path
- ------------ -------------- ---- ----------
- auto_install 00:0C:29:99:21:A5 i386 /export/auto_install/auto_install
- 00:0C:29:E9:B6:5E i386 /export/auto_install/auto_install
7.Create A Directory To Store Manifest Files:
- [root@pkg:~]# mkdir -p /var/tmp/mainfests
- [root@pkg:mainfests]# more auto_install.xml
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!--
- Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- -->
- <!DOCTYPE auto_install SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/install/ai.dtd.1">
- <auto_install>
- <ai_instance name="default">
- <target>
- <logical>
- <zpool name="rpool" is_root="true">
- <filesystem name="export" mountpoint="/export"/>
- <filesystem name="export/home"/>
- <be name="solaris"/>
- </zpool>
- </logical>
- </target>
- <software type="IPS">
- <destination>
- <image>
- <!-- Specify locales to install -->
- <facet set="false">facet.locale.*</facet>
- <facet set="true"></facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.de_DE</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.en</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.en_US</facet>
- <facet set="true"></facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.es_ES</facet>
- <facet set="true"></facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.fr_FR</facet>
- <facet set="true"></facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.it_IT</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.ja</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.ja_*</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.ko</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.ko_*</facet>
- <facet set="true"></facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.pt_BR</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.zh</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.zh_CN</facet>
- <facet set="true">facet.locale.zh_TW</facet>
- </image>
- </destination>
- <source>
- <publisher name="solaris">
- <origin name=""/>
- </publisher>
- </source>
- <!--
- By default the latest build available, in the specified IPS
- repository, is installed. If another build is required, the
- build number has to be appended to the 'entire' package in the
- following form:
- <name>pkg:/[email protected]#</name>
- -->
- <software_data action="install">
- <name>pkg:/entire@latest</name>
- <name>pkg:/group/system/solaris-large-server</name>
- </software_data>
- </software>
- </ai_instance>
- </auto_install>
- [root@pkg:mainfests]# more criteria.xml
- <ai_criteria_manifest>
- <ai_criteria name="mac">
- <range>
- 00:0C:29:99:21:A5
- 00:0C:29:E9:B6:5E
- </range>
- </ai_criteria>
- </ai_criteria_manifest>
8.Create manifest by installadm command:
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm create-manifest -n auto_install -f /var/tmp/mainfests/auto_install.xml \
- >-C /var/tmp/mainfests/criteria.xml
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm list -m
- Service Name Manifest Status
- ------------ -------- ------
- auto_install default
- orig_default Default
- default-i386 orig_default Default
9.Display Configuration Details:
- [root@pkg:~]# installadm list -m -n auto_install
- Manifest Status Criteria
- -------- ------ --------
- default mac = 00:0C:29:99:21:A5 - 00:0C:29:E9:B6:5E
- orig_default Default None
10.The Client Installing:
For more information:Installing Oracle Solaris 11 Systems
本文出自 “candon123” 博客,谢绝转载!