JavaPolis: Dali EJB ORM talk

with much fanfare, the ejb 3.0 specification has been brought forward for public review and an eclipse project is currently building an open source api and exemplary implementation of tools for the definition and editing of object-relati (o/r) mappings for ejb 3.0 entity beans.

during this talk, shaun smith will introduce dali (the nickname for this project) and show how it can be used to build applicati for deployment against your favourite j2ee server.

shaun smith is a product manager for oracle toplink and co-lead of the eclipse dali ejb object-relati mapping project. he has been building systems using object-relati mapping technologies for almost a decade in both java and smalltalk in the banking, telecommunicati and energy industries. in recent years, shaun's focus has been on the development of test driven development (tdd) techniques for building enterprise systems with persistence needs. his current interests include developing tooling and tdd techniques for the new ejb 3.0 persistence specification.

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