1) 在餐厅运动员对服务员说
“I’m so hungry ,I could eat a horse” 服务员答到 “ I’m sorry we don’t have horse dish”。
2) 在奥运期间,一位外宾向自愿者问路,volunteers 热情详细的告诉了他们,最后外宾说
“what can I call you?” volunteers answered “my phone number is…” 外宾说道
“no , I mean what your name is ?”
3) 一天中国volunteers 看到他们曾见过面的外国朋友, 热情说声“hi”外国朋友微笑的问
“how are you doing?”volunteers answered “ I’m working now”,
you should say “I’m fine.”
4) 在一家酒店外宾问前台
Can I talk to your head?( it means Is want to talk to your boss);前台却说“what’s wrong with my head?”
5) 一个中国人和一外国朋友好久没见面了,但这天两人在大街上遇见的时候,中国人说道“I don't see you for a long time”
,“yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time”
6) 一位外国朋友开车在马路上飞驰,中国人就大声喊
Don't drive quick . don’t say that.
you should say “Don't drive quickly”
7) 在工作中同事之间需沟通一些事情时,看对方是否有时间,常常会说:
Do you have a min? 中国人的回答一般是 “yes I have.”
You should say “yes ,I do”
8) 中国人开Party 邀请外国朋友参加,中国人那天表现很滑稽,外国朋友就说
You're really killing me! 意思是“真是笑死我了!”而中国朋友却误解了,连忙解释道:我没有杀你呀 “I am not.”
9) 外国人接到一个中国朋友的电话,说他有3张免费的奥运会门票,外国人惊讶地说
”what a lucky dog you are !”he answered “ I’m not a dog, I’m a person”
10) shit 和sheet 发音的区别
shit是短音,而sheet是长音,要特别注意,如果发错了很容易产生笑话。在酒店,一位男士对waiter 说 “I want a sheet”,the waiter answered “ you can go bathroom if you want shit.”外国人一脸的无奈。
11) 奥运会期间好多外宾去超市购物,销售员微笑地问“what are you looking for? ” 外宾回答“I want to buy some snacks”: 销售员惊讶的说“sorry,no snake here”,
12) 注意一些俚语的表达, 培养英语思维
在一家外企公司,一中国员工对他的外国同事说“I forget my cell-phone at home”you should say
“I left my cell-phone at home”
13) 这又是一句俚语,只有了解一些西方文化才能理解其真正的含义 例子:
Smith doesn't have time with his family because he is a big potato in his company. 史密斯没有时间和他的家人在一起,因为他在公司太重要!
14) 又如:
Jack is a green hand at doing this work. (杰克做这种工作没有经验)这里
"green hand"意思是"生手"、"没有经验",而不是"绿色的手"之意
15) 有些句子从语法角度看没有问题,但外国朋友不这样表达。比如说很多人会说 I haven’t English name.从语法看,这个句子是没有问题的,但外国朋友习惯这样表达
“I don’t have an English name.”
16) 在奥运会期间很多volunteers会和外宾说类似这样的句子,可能是中国人的习惯问题,在语法上称为否定前置“I think I can’t ” 这就是汉语里面说“我想我不会” I don’t think I can 英语里面是说“我不认为我会”
17) 在奥运会期间很多volunteers会和外宾说类似这样的句子 “ I don't know too”“ I don't like it too”
18) 中国人一般问时间现在几点钟了?都会很自然地说 “What time is it now?”,而正确的表达应该是
,”What time is it, please?””What time is it now”这是一个直接从汉语翻译过来的句子,在英语表达时没有必要说now,因为您不可能问what time was it yesterday?或者what time is it tomorrow?
19) 据统计,很多英语初学者都会有这样的问题例如:
do you like sports? Yes, I very like them 应该说:
I like them very much
20) 在奥运会公园,你会遇到很多黄头发的外国女孩,这时候你会怎么形容她的头发呢?“She has yellow hair?””oh, no, no, no”, you should say
she has blonde hair.
21) 当中国朋友请教外国朋友某个单词用英语怎么表达或怎么拼写,应该怎么说“how to say it in English?”“how to spell?”正确的表达方式是
“how do you say it in English?”“how do you spell?”
22)有些中国式英语已经被外国人认可 如: kongfu ; so-so ; Long time no see; Guanxi ;tofu ;Good Good Study ,Day Day up; people hill people sea;
23) 学习英语一定要培养英语思维 比如:我永远记住的中国人会这样表达:I remember it forever. Native speaker says
“ I always remember it”
you are so boring”中国人答到:“No ,I am so bored!”
25)一天在地铁上中国人踩到外国人脚了,说:I am sorry! 老外答:I am sorry too!中:I am sorry three! 老外:What are you sorry for? 中:I am sorry five!
26)有些英语纯所习惯 如: I don't know who are you?正确应该是
“who you are ?” 又如“Go and see who is it”正确应该是
“ who it is”
27) 你知道中国人常说的“七上八下”英文怎么表达吗?“seven up eight down?”呵呵,正确的应该是
“ups and downs”
28)有趣的英语,中文意思是“给你的颜色看看”Give you colour to see see
29) 奥运会期间好多外宾shopping 销售员会说“give you”这是英语思维问题,正确应该是
“here you are”
30) 周末一般想睡懒觉,一天一个中国朋友打给外国人说It’s twelve o’ clock. Get up , lazy worm 外国人朋友说 you should say
“ lazy bones”