如何使用编译生成的release搭建nfs boot环境

sudo mount -t cramfs -oloop rootfs_cramfs.stb225_nand.bin /home/cnh01994/nfsroot/rootfs_stb225
然后copy auImage.stb225_nand到tftp目录,并且改名为load的kernal文件.
prjmake control sub=rootfs.nfsexport 如果你记不住命令,那么你可以执行prjmake control sub=rootfs.系统会列出来所有有关的命令如下:
=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= START stb225/control/pnx8335-stb225-le =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
make -  rootfs cpu=pnx8335-stb225 env=stb225/control/pnx8335-stb225-le
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225'
/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/design_in/CVD/etc/design_in_control_cpu_linux.mk:27: including this file
/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/design_in/CVD/etc/design_in_control_cpu_linux.mk:43: Setting LNXEXAPPS to appCabotCVD
Make-targets for rootfs:
make rootfs.help
make rootfs.clean
make rootfs.init
make rootfs.create
make rootfs.nfsexport
make rootfs.realclean
make rootfs.copy
rootfs.realclean                 - Remove your $ROOTFS tree
rootfs.init                      - Create a new $ROOTFS tree
rootfs.createcramfs              - Create a CRAMFS File Image of the current $ROOTFS
rootfs.createsquashfs            - Create a SQUASHFS File Image of the current $ROOTFS
rootfs.createyaffs2              - Create a YAFFS2 File Image of the current $ROOTFS
rootfs.createjffs2               - Create a JFFS2 File Image of the current $ROOTFS
rootfs.createtgz                 - Create a tar archive the current $ROOTFS
rootfs.backup                    - Copy $ROOTFS to $ROOTFS.backup (useful before running rootfs.trim)
rootfs.manifest                  - Create $ROOTFS.manifest
rootfs.trim                      - Trim files from $ROOTFS to make it suitable for a JFFS2 image
                                   See files /home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225/src/rootfs/*.trim.txt
rootfs.stats                     - Prints various statistics about $ROOTFS
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225'
同样的对于kernal image,你可以使用prjmake control sub=linux.install来恢复project的kernal文件到tftp目录,同样你也可以使用prjmake control sub=linux来查看相关命令如下:
=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= START stb225/control/pnx8335-stb225-le =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
make -  linux cpu=pnx8335-stb225 env=stb225/control/pnx8335-stb225-le
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225'
/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/design_in/CVD/etc/design_in_control_cpu_linux.mk:27: including this file
/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/design_in/CVD/etc/design_in_control_cpu_linux.mk:43: Setting LNXEXAPPS to appCabotCVD
Make-targets for linux:
make linux.help
make linux.clean
make linux.untar
make linux.patch
make linux.config
make linux.make
make linux.modules.make
make linux.kernel.make
make linux.int.modules.make
make linux.ext.modules.make
make linux.install
make linux.makeemu
make linux.modules.make          - Makes all loadable kmodules
make linux.int.modules.make      - Makes loadable kmodules that are internal to $KSRC
make linux.ext.modules.make      - Makes loadable kmodules that are external to $KSRC
make linux.htmldocs              - Runs make htmldocs in $KSRC
# To view linux.htmldocs, run:   - htmlview $KSRC/Documentation/DocBook/index.html
make linux.mandocs               - Runs make mandocs in $KSRC
make linux.pdfdocs               - Runs make pdfdocs in $KSRC
make linux.psdocs                - Runs make psdocs in $KSRC
make linux.xmldocs               - Runs make xmldocs in $KSRC
make linux.menuconfig            - Runs make menuconfig to update $KSRC/.config
make linux.oldconfig             - Runs make oldconfig to update $KSRC/.config
make linux.meldconfig            - Runs: meld on /home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225/src/open/linux/configs/linux- and $KSRC/.config
make linux.diffconfig            - Runs: "diff ${DIFFCONFIG_OPTS}" on /home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225/src/open/linux/configs/linux- and $KSRC/.config
make linux.udiffconfig           - Runs: "diff -u" on /home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225/src/open/linux/configs/linux- and $KSRC/.config
make linux.updconfig             - Updates /home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225/src/open/linux/configs/linux- from $KSRC/.config
linux source .config file        - /home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225/src/open/linux/configs/linux-
linux build  .config file        - build_STBcvd_NANDflash_HDdecoding_trace/packages/linux-
make linux.externaltree.help     - Show help on using external KSRC tree
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cnh01994/ccm_wa/H264/stb225'
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  • NFS配置及其自动挂载配置
  • 如何使用编译生成的release搭建nfs boot环境
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