【翻译:Apache MINA User Guide 】 Chapter 1

User Guide > Chapter 1
NIO Overview
NIO API's were introduced in Java 1.4 and had since been used for wide number of applications. NIO API's allows IO operations without blocking the processing with it.

The java.nio.* package contains following key constructs

Buffers - Data Containers
Chartsets - Containers translators for bytes and Unicode
Channels - represents connections to entities capable of I/O operations
Selectors - provide selectable, multiplexed non-blocking IO


java NIO概述

新的输入输出(NIO)API在java1.4被引入,并被多数应用程序广泛应用,java nio允许非阻塞的IO操作

java.nio.* 包主要包含以下关键点:
Buffers ——数据容器,用于特定基本数据类型的容器
Chartsets ——Unicode序列和字节序列之间的转换
Channels ——表示一个IO操作的实体连接
Selectors ——提供多路复用的非阻塞IO

