2009-05-16 00:43:02
标签: 职场  休闲
原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章  原始出处 、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。 http://bluefish.blog.51cto.com/214870/158416
2009-05-12   LWIP 之TCP 层接收相关
* This function should be called by the application when it has
* processed the data. The purpose is to advertise a larger window
* when the data has been processed.
       回到主题,lwip_recvfrom从netconn接收完数据就是要copy the contents of the received buffer into the supplied memory pointer mem,这一步是通过netbuf_copy_partial函数来完成的。
sys_mbox_trypost(conn->recvmbox, p)
* Receive callback function for TCP netconns.
* Posts the packet to conn->recvmbox, but doesn't delete it on errors.
static err_t recv_tcp(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err)
* Setup a tcp_pcb with the correct callback function pointers
* and their arguments.
* @param conn the TCP netconn to setup
static void setup_tcp(struct netconn *conn)
  struct tcp_pcb *pcb;
  pcb = conn->pcb.tcp;
  tcp_arg(pcb, conn);
  tcp_recv(pcb, recv_tcp);
  tcp_sent(pcb, sent_tcp);
  tcp_poll(pcb, poll_tcp, 4);
  tcp_err(pcb, err_tcp);
Void tcp_recv(struct tcp_pcb *pcb,
   err_t (* recv)(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err))
  pcb->recv = recv;
* The initial input processing of TCP. It verifies the TCP header, demultiplexes
* the segment between the PCBs and passes it on to tcp_process(), which implements
* the TCP finite state machine. This function is called by the IP layer (in ip_input()).
* Implements the TCP state machine. Called by tcp_input. In some
* states tcp_receive() is called to receive data. The tcp_seg
* argument will be freed by the caller (tcp_input()) unless the
* recv_data pointer in the pcb is set.
* Called by tcp_process. Checks if the given segment is an ACK for outstanding
* data, and if so frees the memory of the buffered data. Next, is places the
* segment on any of the receive queues (pcb->recved or pcb->ooseq). If the segment
* is buffered, the pbuf is referenced by pbuf_ref so that it will not be freed until
* i it has been removed from the buffer.
static u8_t recv_flags;
static struct pbuf *recv_data;
if (inseg.p->tot_len > 0)
          recv_data = inseg.p;
if (cseg->p->tot_len > 0)
    /* Chain this pbuf onto the pbuf that we will pass to
    the application. */
    if (recv_data)
         pbuf_cat(recv_data, cseg->p);
          recv_data = cseg->p;
     cseg->p = NULL;
if (recv_data != NULL)
          if(flags & TCP_PSH)
            recv_data->flags |= PBUF_FLAG_PUSH;
          /* Notify application that data has been received. */
          TCP_EVENT_RECV(pcb, recv_data, ERR_OK, err);
本文出自 “ bluefish” 博客,请务必保留此出处 http://bluefish.blog.51cto.com/214870/158416
