

  1. Start the OpenOffice.org Writer.
  2. Click the Tools menu and select Extension Manager.
  3. Press the Add button.
  4. Navigate to the CWYW folder, which can typically be found here:

    C:\Program Files\EndNote X3\Product-Support\CWYW

    C:\Program Files\EndNote X4\Product-Support\CWYW

    Note that if you have program installed in a different location, you would need to find this CWYW folder in that other location.
  5. Select the 'EndNote.oxt' file and click Open.
  6. Click Install for All Users.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Exit the OpenOffice.org Writerand the OpenOffice.org Quickstarter that may appear in your System Tray. Right click on the icon in the System Tray and select Exit Quickstarter.
  9. Restart the OpenOffice.org Writer.
