

  1. 登录设备,查看用户是否在线

M-GB_JBJ33H2DPL5620-1#display board 0/1

  Board Name          : H821EPFB                   
  Board Status        : Normal                      

  Port  Port  Optic    MDI     Speed      Duplex    Flow-  Active   Link  
        Type  Status           (Mbps)               Ctrl   State          
     1  FE    -        auto    auto_100   auto_full off    active   online
     2  FE    -        auto    auto_100   auto_full off    active   online
     3  FE    -        auto    auto       auto      off    active   offline
     4  FE    -        auto    auto       auto      off    active   offline



M-GB_JBJ33H2DPL5620-1(config)#interface eth 0/1

3.查询以太网端口的当前流量,此处显示 1 端口数据流量。

M-GB_JBJ33H2DPL5620-1(config-if-eth-0/1)#display port traffic 1
  The received traffic of this port(packets/s)                    =339~~~~~收到的包
  The received traffic of this port(octets/s)                     =376731
  The transmitted traffic of this port(packets/s)                 =180~~~~~发送的包
  The transmitted traffic of this port(octets/s)                  =18164


M-GB_JBJ33H2DPL5620-1(config-if-eth-0/1)#display port state 1
  The port is active 
  Ethernet port is online  ~~~~~~~~~~在线
  Ethernet port is auto-negotiation to full duplex ~~~~~~~全双工
  Ethernet port rate is auto-negotiation to 100M ~~~~~~~100M
  Ethernet port does not support flow control 
  Ethernet port does not support jumbo frame
  Line-adaptive function of the ethernet port is auto-negotiation~~~~~~自动协商
  Note: For a 1000 M, electrical port in the full-duplex mode, setting MDI to 
        any value is invalid


M-GB_JBJ33H2DPL5620-1(config-if-eth-0/1)#display port statistics 3
  Number of transmitted frames                                   =224001667
  Number of received frames                                      =304667114
  Total number of frames                                         =528668781
  Number of transmitted multicast frames                         =0
  Number of received multicast frames                            =2272
  Total number of multicast frames                               =2272
  Number of transmitted broadcast frames                         =0
  Number of received broadcast frames                            =188578
  Total number of boardcast frames                               =188578
  Number of transmitted pause frames                             =0
  Number of received pause frames                                =0
  Number of transmitted octets                                   =3469062193
  Number of received octets                                      =281443491
  Total number of octets                                         =3750505684
  Number of alignment error frames                               =0
  Number of discarded frames                                     =1
  Number of CRC error frames                                     =550447~~~~以太网端口接收和发送的CRC错误帧的数目  Number of collision frames                                     =0
  Number of discarded undersized frames                          =0
  Number of oversized frames                                     =0
  Number of CRC error packets(less than 64 octets in length)     =279
  Number of CRC error packets(longer than 1518 octets in length) =0
  Number of packets(64 octets in length)                         =24837183
  Number of packets(65~127 octets in length)                     =202206409
  Number of packets(128~255 octets in length)                    =62620895
  Number of packets(256~511 octets in length)                    =23001168
  Number of packets(512~1023 octets in length)                   =38391627
  Number of packets(1024~1518 octets in length)                  =177611499
  Number of packets(1519~2047 octets in length)                  =0
  Number of packets(2048~4095 octets in length)                  =0
  Number of packets(4096~9216 octets in length)                  =0

M-GB_JBJ33H2DPL5620-1(config-if-eth-0/1)#display statistics performance 3 historic-24hours 30
  Number of transmitted frames                  : 2480530
  Number of received frames                     : 3636399
  Total number of frames                        : 6116929
  Number of transmitted multicast frames        : 0
  Number of received multicast frames           : 18
  Total number of multicast frames              : 18
  Number of transmitted broadcast frames        : 0
  Number of received broadcast frames           : 2815
  Total number of boardcast frames              : 2815
  Number of transmitted pause frames            : 0
  Number of received pause frames               : 0
  Number of transmitted octets                  : 1024706501
  Number of received octets                     : 1806901652
  Total number of octets                        : 2831608153
  Number of alignment error frames              : 0
  Number of discarded frames                    : 0
  Number of CRC error frames                    : 5914~~~~~~~~大量的以太网端口接收和发送的CRC错误帧的数目
  Number of collision frames                    : 0
  Number of discarded undersized frames         : 0
  Number of oversized frames                    : 0
  Number of CRC error packets
  (less than 64 octets in length)               : 8
  Number of CRC error packets       
  (longer than 1518 octets in length)           : 0
  Number of packets(64 octets in length)        : 486118
  Number of packets(65~127 octets in length)    : 2319980
  Number of packets(128~255 octets in length)   : 1067940
  Number of packets(256~511 octets in length)   : 441425
  Number of packets(512~1023 octets in length)  : 518833
  Number of packets(1024~1518 octets in length) : 1282633
  Number of packets(1519~2047 octets in length) : 0
  Number of packets(2048~4095 octets in length) : 0
  Number of packets(4096~9216 octets in length) : 0
