Oracle 11g Real Time SQL Monitoring


One of the interesting new features of 11gR1 is the automatic tracking of long running SQL statements. Oracle calls this new feature Real-Time SQL Monitoring. There a couple of parameters that must be set to enable this behavior.


Parameter STATISTICS_LEVEL must be set to ALL or TYPICAL (the default)

Parameter  CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS must be set to  DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING (the default)



Not all statements are tracked. Only statements that are consider long running invoke this new facility. The following two conditions qualify a statement for tracking:


The statement must take more than 5 seconds (or so) to execute

 Or the statement is executed in parallel mode



There are a couple of new views that have been added to expose this feature. They are V$SQL_MONITOR and V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR. The data appears to be updated once per second and it contains very detailed information including row counts for each step in the plan. These views contain a record of each execution of the qualifying statements. While it is possible to query these views directly, a function (REPORT_SQL_MONITOR) has been provided in the DBMS_SQLTUNE package that produces a nicely formated report in html, xml, or (my favorite) text format . Here is a script that queries the V$SQL_MONITOR view (sql_monitor.sql) and another that executes the afore mentioned function (report_sql_monitor.sql). 

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