
1. 编译前须关闭项目文件夹下的相关文件。
2.Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol LCD_CtrlWrite_S6B33B1X (referred from MiscFunctions.obj).
3. 修改了.mak 文件后,必须NEW
4. 如新加了#include ... 后发现很多在一起的变量没定义,可以把该句移到其他#include 背后。
5. SVN系统,文件夹有黄色的叹号,表示冲突时,右击文件夹,选Resolved即可
6.Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DBG_PutUartStr1 (referred from keybrd.obj).
此为keybrd.c 文件中引用了 DBG_PutUartStr1() 函数,而找不到该函数的定义,原因是remake 时未对包含该函数定义的文件进行重新编译链接,搜索发现DBG_PutUartStr1 的定义在 Drv_comm.c 文件中,故删除F:\Z1700(BW1199)\Code\build\B1199\gprs\MT6223Po\drv\ Drv_comm.obj , 使其重新编译链接后PASS.
8..SVN 上传更改的文件时, 检测到非ASCII字符,并且不能转换自UTF-8
7.Fatal error: L6031U: Could not open scatter description file custom\system\MT6226_06B_BB\scatZ 1204A _VICO.txt.
在此目录下自己新建一个scatZ 1204A _VICO.txt
8.Warning: L6340W: options first and last are ignored for link type of -scattered
Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol RA_Hw_Init (referred from ra_hw.o).
Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol RA_Power_On (referred from ra_hw.o).
出现很多Undefined 的这种错误,且都是一个模块的,(属于ry3601模块),option.mak       中添加CUS_REL_SRC_COMP += ry3601,remake OK.
9."plutommi\mtkapp\soundrecorder\soundrecordersrc\soundrecordersrc.c", line 517: Error: C2839E: junk at end of #endif line �C ignored 
前面多了一个#endif , 去掉后OK
10."plutommi\mmi\gpio\gpiosrc\generaldeviceinterface.c", line 2085: Error: C2933E: type disagreement for 'PlayAndStopRuningHorseLedWithMusic'
11 Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol __MAINLCD__MAINMENU__MATRIX__MM_BG_GIF (referred from themeres.obj).
查看代码发现__MAINLCD__MAINMENU__MATRIX__MM_BG_GIF的声明在 Themecomponents.h中,搜索发现有两个文件未关联至服务器,导致未更新。将关联的服务器上文件对它们进行替换即可。
12 .文件夹有黄色叹号,进行CLEANUP 后出现如下提示:
。。。is not a working copy directory.
SOLUTION :删除该文件夹再重新下载
13. "plutommi\mmi\gui\gui_src\wgui_datetime.c", line 3534: Error: C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before 'gui_clock_get_clock_show_time'
SOLUTION: 在该函数前的语句忘了加分号“;”。
14. 命令语法不正确。
make: *** [mtkapp.lib] Error 1
"plutommi\MtkApp\EngineerMode\EngineerModeSrc\EngineerModeDeviceSrc.c", line 8249: Error: C3028E: <argument 1 to 'sprintf'>: implicit cast of pointer to non-equal pointer
SOLUTION: 一个函数形参为U8 *string,而实际赋给他的是char *buffer,导致类型不符,调用时进行强制转换:(PU8)dispbuff即可。
15. 修改gsm2.mak 后进行remake ,报错,大意是缺少分隔符.
SOLUTION: 察看修改的地方发现有一句不像其他语句一样开头空了几格,便将他开头空上几格后ok.
16. Fatal error: L6002U: Could not open file .\build\Z1118\gprs\MT6225o\lib\mercury_master.lib.
原因:出现此ERROR时,使用的是 r plutommi,改为全remake 后,问题解决
17 .新增一些代码后,编模拟器通不过,查看LOG
..\..\kal\include\kal_trace.h(237) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ps_trace.h': No such file or directory
原因:添加的\make\AS6200\下少加了个.def文件, 加上后OK
..\..\kal\include\kal_trace.h(237) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ps_trace.h': No such file or directory
Error executing cl.exe.
0030:modis_fs.lis: 08F :1:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:MoDIS\FileSystem\FileSystemSrc\FSSim_core.c
0023:.:0:3:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:0032:mtkdebug:000000000:2:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313: 002F :mtkdebug.def:00:1:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:
18. Error: L6286E: Value(0x 400f 84) out of range(-0x400000 - 0x3fffff) for relocation #1 (wrt symbol __rt_sdiv) in m11303.obj(INTERNCODE)
Error: L6286E: Value(0x400786) out of range(-0x400000 - 0x3fffff) for relocation #1 (wrt symbol __rt_sdiv) in m11305.obj(INTERNCODE)
Error: L6286E: Value(0x400778) out of range(-0x400000 - 0x3fffff) for relocation #2 (wrt symbol __rt_sdiv) in m11305.obj(INTERNCODE)
Error: L6286E: Value(0x400766) out of range(-0x400000 - 0x3fffff) for relocation #4 (wrt symbol __rt_sdiv) in m11305.obj(INTERNCODE)
Error: L6286E: Value(0x400742) out of range(-0x400000 - 0x3fffff) for relocation #5 (wrt symbol __rt_sdiv) in m11305.obj(INTERNCODE)
SCAT 文件中的代码分段,其中有的段超了。
19. make[1]: *** No rule to make target `custom\drv\misc_drv\mt6225_gemini_bb\codegen\eint_drv.h', needed by `eint_def.obj'. Stop.
20. make\gsm2.mak:1793: *** commands commence before first target. Stop.
21. 进行remake 编译时,
F:\Z1801\Code\build\Z 1801M \Z 1801M _PCB01_gprs_MT6229_S02.MAUI_07B_W08_12_F2.bin\*, 是否确认(Y/N)?
将此目录删除后再remake ,OK!
22.Error: L6220E: Load region ROM size (14740464 bytes) exceeds limit (14680064 bytes).
Not enough information to produce a SYMDEFs file.
BIN 超出限制,考虑给资源(字体,图片,音频等)减肥、关闭某摆设功能、关闭一些SP服务,三方软件等。
23.make: *** [.\tst\database_classb\BPLGUInfoCustomAppSrc] Error 1
24.Error: L6850E: Archive contains non ELF Object CustImgRes.obj
make[1]: *** [build/TELSDA25_GEMINI/gprs/MT6225o/lib/mmiresource.lib] Error 1
25.Error: C2831E: unprintable char 0x 1f found - ignored
26.0 [main] sh 500 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
   2179 [main] sh 500 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to sh.exe.stackdum
make: *** [CustResDeclare.o] Error 101120
       Error in ResGenerating Process!!
       Please Check again!!
27Error: L6286E: Value(0x44573) out of range(0 - 0xff) for relocation #4 (wrt symbol GetCurrGuiBuffer) in engineermodedevicesrc.obj(i.EntryEmDevBtRfTXRX)
Error: L6286E: Value(0xf 1c 43) out of range(0 - 0xff) for relocation #3 (wrt symbol get_image) in phonebookmain.obj(i.mmi_phb_list_get_item)
28.MODIS Error:
OSC> main: MediaTek OSCAR START......
System > Initializing system memory...
System > Creating buffer pool...
System > Initializing KAL resource...
FSSim_Init(): fail to create directory E, error code = 183
[1] Assert fail: 0 fssim_core.c 440 0x0 0x0 0x0 - UNKNOWN
abnormal program termination
Press any key to continue
29.Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dinit\include
Compiling nvram/src/nvram_context.c ...
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dinit\include
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dl1\l1d
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_handler_tst.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_handler_read.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\fd\include
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_handler_write.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dcustom\common
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_ltable.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_io.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_handler_reset.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Ddrv\include
Error: C2832E: illegal option -D002E:nvram.lis: 01C 6:1:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:nvram\src\nvram_context.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_drval_fat.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_data_items.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_drv_int.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option 06A :1:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:nvram\include
Error: C2832E: illegal option -D0023:.:0:3:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:0035:obigo03cadp:000000000:2:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:0030:NO_SEC:000000000:2:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:0033:obigo03cadp.def:0EA:1:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:MMI_ON_HARDWARE_P
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_ilm.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_l1def.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_ul1def.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -D 002C :nvram.pth:0B:1:14=48041e4b:16=47d21313:nvram\src
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dapplib\misc\include
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_interface.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_handler_startup.c
Error: C2832E: illegal option -Dnvram\src\nvram_main.c
nvram\src\nvram_context.c: 0 warnings, 25 errors, 0 serious errors
make[1]: *** [nvram_context.obj] Error 1
30."custom\system\XXX25_ 08A _GEMINI_BB\scatXXX25_ 08A _GEMINI.txt", line 304: Warning: L6314W: custom\system\XXX25_ 08A _GEMINI_BB\scatXXX25_ 08A _GEMINI.txt(line 304, col 45) No section matches pattern *(SBC_DYNAMIC_ZI).
"custom\system\XXX25_ 08A _GEMINI_BB\scatXXX25_ 08A _GEMINI.txt", line 309: Warning: L6314W: custom\system\XXX25_ 08A _GEMINI_BB\scatXXX25_ 08A _GEMINI.txt(line 309, col 44) No section matches pattern isp_comm.*obj(INTERNZI1).
Error: L6220E: Execution region INTSRAM_DATA size (25552 bytes) exceeds limit (23040 bytes).
Warning: L6318W: osstub.o(i.gdi_layer_find_valid_handle_abc) contains branch to a non-code symbol sccvv_fast.
Warning: L6318W: osstub.o(i.gdi_layer_flatten_to_base_1234) contains branch to a non-code symbol sccvv_fast.
Warning: L6318W: osstub.o(i.gdi_layer_flatten_to_base_ddd) contains branch to a non-code symbol sccvv_fast.
       31.C2319E: type 'enum' inconsistent with 'enum'
Compiling applib/misc/src/app_datetime.c ...
"plutommi\MMI\Framework\NVRAMManager\NVRAMManagerInc\NVRAMType.h", line 111: Serious error: C2319E: type 'enum' inconsistent with 'enum'
applib\misc\src\app_datetime.c: 0 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
In file included from CustResDeclare.c:37:
../../MMI/Inc/CustDataRes.h:264: error: parse error before "CUSTOM_STRING"
../../MMI/Inc/CustDataRes.h:279: error: parse error before "CUSTOM_STRING"
../../MMI/Inc/CustDataRes.h:285: error: parse error before '}' token
make[1]: *** [CustResDeclare.o] Error 1
比如我在这里查到的是CustDataRes.h文件中包含了#include "MMIDataType.h"这个,而在MMIDataType.h文件我才刚刚加了
#ifdef __XXX_MOBILE_MMI__
#include "..\\..\\XXX_Software\\Resource\\XXX_ResIDDef.h"
#endif //__XXX_MOBILE_MMI__
32. 关于Image$$ZI$$Limit错误
Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol Image$$ZI$$Limit (referred from sys_stackheap.o).
Not enough information to produce a SYMDEFs file.
已复制        86 个文件。
Making Resources...
reimp: mmicustomizer.lib: No such file or directory
      0 [main] sh 2348 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
    477 [main] sh 2348 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to sh.exe.stackdu
make: *** [CustResDeclare.o] Error 101120
Error in ResGenerating Process!!
Please Check again!!
