Some videos taken during my summer tour of 2005

I happened to find at my friend"s blog some videos taken a half and two years ago during my summer tour of 2005 which was attached below.  This was my first real backpacking trip with unique traveling experience. I encountered amazing friends and got enriched in mind after 13 days on the road. Never forget the sweet memories shared with Yuanqing, Josh, Demo,Cricket, Weilili, Suzie (Australia), Taka (Japan) and Lee Yonglan (Korea) in Guilin, Yangshuo and Fenghuang.

These videos was taken when Taka was about to leave Fenghuang for Sanjiang which was his last destination for his South China Tour in 2005. 

Two and a half year already passed, from the videos, I may see how myself changed.

PS:  Attached pls find my friend" narrative about our videos.

