


网上找到 psexec 工具, 可以以system帐户身份来运行 regedit, 这样增加/修改/删除注册表项 就不再有任何提示了.

I think you have trouble with permissions but there aren't normall missing permissions which usually happens.For example if trying to open this key in regedit (of course running with administrative previlliges)

regedit return this error,I can't even to display properties tab!When I try to remove a higher key,regedit return me the same errors what you have.But there is way to resolve it.

Download PsTools: PsTools
and unpack file psexec.exe and place it in C:\Windows\System32

Run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on it as a administrator if you are using UAC) ,then in cmd.exe type:

psexec -s -i -d regedit.exe

Above command allow you to run regedit from a SYSTEM account,navigate to key which was problem:

Now I have no problem to open key,displaying properties,permisions and of course with removing if you want,but remember:because regedit work now on a SYSTEM account,neccesary to remove any keys are:the owner of this key and subkeys should be SYSTEM (not you or Administrators group) and full control for SYSTEM account for this key and his subkeys.Probably you have it (it is natural permissions for these subkeys in this part of registry) but make sure if really.
