
今天早上看到这条新闻的时候感慨万千。 早期Turbo C 、Borland C++ 3.1 是多少程序员的美好回忆, 后来Delphi、 C++ Builder 又让多少程序员着迷于Windows 开发。 现在被一个名不见经传的小公司收购(也许是我孤陋寡闻,之前从没有听过Embarcadero), 而且只花了区区2千3百万美元(说实话,一个刚刚起步Web 2.0公司都可能卖得比这个价格贵)。 
刚刚去看了一下Embarcadero Technologies 公司的网站 http://www.embarcadero.com/  ,发现他们已经在首页上宣布这个消息了。    
新闻原文: May 7, 2008   Embarcadero picks up CodeGear assets The two-year effort to find a home for CodeGear is in the home stretch with the announcement of a sale.Today, Embarcadero Technologies announced that it had struck a deal with Borland Software to acquire the latter's CodeGear division at a price of roughly US$23 million. The combined companies will operate under the Embarcadero Technologies banner after the close of the deal, expected in 30 to 60 days, according to Embarcadero.

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