W3C XHTML2标准翻译(未完成)


XHTML™ 2.0

W3C 工作草案 2006年6月26日

Jonny Axelsson, Opera Software
Mark Birbeck, x-port.net
Micah Dubinko, Invited Expert
Beth Epperson, Websense
Masayasu Ishikawa, W3C
Shane McCarron, Applied Testing and Technology
Ann Navarro, WebGeek, Inc.
Steven Pemberton, CWI ( HTML Working Group Chair)
This document is also available in these non-normative formats: Single XHTML file, PostScript version, PDF version, ZIP archive, and Gzip'd TAR archive.


XHTML 2 是一个通用的为在万维网上为描述多种用途而设计的标记语言,未此目的,它并不试图成为一个对所有人都万能的东西,支持所有的标记习惯,而是提供一个广泛的有用的元素集。



这个文档是这个标准的第八个有效草案。 It should in no way be considered stable, and should not be normatively referenced for any purposes whatsoever. This version includes an early implementation of XHTML 2.0 in RELAX NG [ RELAXNG], but does not include the implementations in DTD or XML Schema form. Those will be included in subsequent versions, once the content of this language stabilizes.
Formal issues and error reports on this specification shall be submitted to [email protected] ( archive). It is inappropriate to send discussion email to this address. Public discussion may take place on [email protected] ( archive). To subscribe send an email to [email protected] with the word subscribe in the subject line.
This document has been produced by the W3C HTML Working Group ( members only) as part of the W3C HTML Activity. The goals of the HTML Working Group are discussed in the HTML Working Group charter.
This document was produced by a group operating under the 24 January 2002 CPP as amended by the W3C Patent Policy Transition Procedure. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

Quick Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Terms and Definitions
  • 3. Conformance Definition
  • 4. The XHTML 2.0 Document Type
  • 5. Module Definition Conventions
  • 6. XHTML Attribute Collections
  • 7. XHTML Document Module
  • 8. XHTML Structural Module
  • 9. XHTML Text Module
  • 10. XHTML Hypertext Module
  • 11. XHTML List Module
  • 12. XHTML Core Attributes Module
  • 13. XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module
  • 14. XHTML I18N Attribute Module
  • 15. XHTML Access Module
  • 16. XHTML Bi-directional Text Attribute Module
  • 17. XHTML Edit Attributes Module
  • 18. XHTML Embedding Attributes Module
  • 19. XHTML Handler Module
  • 20. XHTML Image Module
  • 21. XHTML Image Map Attributes Module
  • 22. XHTML Media Attribute Module
  • 23. XHTML Metainformation Module
  • 24. XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module
  • 25. XHTML Object Module
  • 26. XHTML Role Attribute Module
  • 27. Ruby Module
  • 28. XHTML Style Attribute Module
  • 29. XHTML Style Sheet Module
  • 30. XHTML Tables Module
  • 31. XForms Module
  • 32. XML Events Module
  • A. Changes from XHTML 1.1
  • B. XHTML 2.0 RELAX NG Definition
  • C. XHTML RELAX NG Module Implementations
  • D. XHTML 2.0 Schema
  • E. XHTML Schema Module Implementations
  • F. XHTML 2.0 Document Type Definition
  • G. XHTML DTD Module Implementations
  • H. Style sheet for XHTML 2
  • I. Example RDF Specification for Roles
  • J. List of Elements
  • K. List of Attributes
  • L. Cross-reference Index
  • M. References
  • N. Acknowledgements

List of Issues

  1. [PR #7759] [XHTML2] Spirit of "1.1.3. XHTML 2 and Presentation"
  2. [PR #7723] On introducing a fallback attribute
  3. [PR #7777] [XHTML 2] Conforming documents and meta properties
  4. [PR #7791] Fw: [XHTML 2] Section 3.1.1
  5. [PR #7804] Comments on XHTML 2.0 document conformance requirements
  6. [PR #7808] Change XHTML 2.0 namespace to [url]http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml[/url]
  7. [PR #7818] Namespace versioning problem in XHTML 2
  8. [PR #7819] Referance XML 1.1 and example with XML 1.1 declaration
  9. [PR #7336] Identifying XHTML version in ansence of DTDs
  10. [PR #7799] Fw: [XHTML 2] Section 5.5 quality values.
  11. [PR #7800] Fw: [XHTML 2] Section 5.5 intersection of mime-types
  12. [PR #7661] [XHTML2] Constraining attribute relationship
  13. Need a normative definition for the version attribute
  14. [PR #7820] [XHTML2] How are UAs to interpret <h> and <hx> elements?
  15. [PR #7830] [XHTML2] How are UAs to interpret <h> and <hx> elements?
  16. [PR #7874] block@kind vs elt@structure
  17. [PR #7875] redundant content model
  18. [PR #7877] headings -- numbered vs bare
  19. [PR #7876] PCData not in Text
  20. [PR #7882] XHTML 2.0: Text Module/<l> vs. <br /> element
  21. [PR #7885] RE: [ off list ] XHTML 2.0 - dfn : Content model and usability
  22. [PR #7663] [XHTML2] 11.3. The ol , and ul elements
  23. [PR #7867] Re: WD-xhtml2-20040722: Some navigation list requirements (IMHO)
  24. [PR #7872] attributes with no values
  25. [PR #7792] Fw: [XHTML 2] 13.1 Hypertext Attributes Module - nextfocus
  26. [PR #7883] Internationalization: translate attribute
  27. [PR #7783] [XHTML 2] 15 Bi-directional text collection and embedded attributes?
  28. [PR #7724] Re: Formal Response to My issue on styling embedding attributes.
  29. [PR #7730] 17 Embedding Attributes User aborted downloads.
  30. [PR #7731] 17 Embedding Attributes - Invalid XHTML 2 documents
  31. [PR #7732] [XHTML 2] 17.1 Encoding attribute
  32. [PR #7733] [XHTML 2] Embedding attributes and nextFocus
  33. [PR #7734] 17 Embedding Attributes Success/Failure status codes.
  34. [PR #7735] [XHTML 2] 17 Embedding Attributes - srcType
  35. [PR #7736] [XHTML 2] Embedding XHTML Resources Linking.
  36. [PR #7737] [XHTML 2] Embedded Resources containing links
  37. [PR #7738] [XHTML 2] Embedding Attributes Examples
  38. [PR #7739] [XHTML 2] 17 Clipping of embedded documents to viewport.
  39. [PR #7774] [XHTML 2] 17 Embedding Attributes
  40. [PR #7892] xhtml2 attributes type, srctype and hreftype
  41. [PR #7869] rebuild link element: chapter, section / subsection
  42. [PR #7870] RE: [BULK] - Re: [XHTML2] Spirit of "1.1.3. XHTML 2 and Presentation"
  43. [PR #7871] Re: [BULK] - Re: [XHTML2] Spirit of "1.1.3. XHTML 2 and Presentation"
  44. [PR #7828] Why no nested colgroup or rowgroup?
  45. [PR #7878] What is the scope of a header?
  46. [PR #7879] td/th scope attribute - rowgroup == (tbody, thead, tfoot)
  47. [PR #7881] nesting colgroup and rowgroups
  48. [PR #7826] [XHTML2] exclude switch and case as presentational
  49. [PR #7838] autocomplete attribute
  50. [PR #670] Entity management: do we still need it?
  51. [PR #671] Character entities: do we still need them?

Full Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1. What is XHTML 2?
      • 1.1.1. Design Aims
      • 1.1.2. Backwards compatibility
      • 1.1.3. XHTML 2 and Presentation
      • 1.1.4. XHTML 2 and Linking
    • 1.2. Major Differences with XHTML 1
    • 1.3. What are the XHTML 2 Modules?
    • 1.4. Issues
  • 2. Terms and Definitions
  • 3. Conformance Definition
    • 3.1. Document Conformance
      • 3.1.1. Strictly Conforming Documents
    • 3.2. XHTML 2 User Agent Conformance
    • 3.3. Issues
  • 4. The XHTML 2.0 Document Type
    • 4.1. Issues
  • 5. Module Definition Conventions
    • 5.1. Module Structure
    • 5.2. Abstract Module Definitions
    • 5.3. Syntactic Conventions
    • 5.4. Content Models
    • 5.5. Attribute Types
    • 5.6. Issues
  • 6. XHTML Attribute Collections
    • 6.1. Issues
  • 7. XHTML Document Module
    • 7.1. The html element
    • 7.2. The head element
    • 7.3. The title element
    • 7.4. The body element
  • 8. XHTML Structural Module
    • 8.1. The address element
    • 8.2. The blockcode element
    • 8.3. The blockquote element
    • 8.4. The div element
    • 8.5. The heading elements
    • 8.6. The p element
    • 8.7. The pre element
    • 8.8. The section element
    • 8.9. The separator element
    • 8.10. Issues
  • 9. XHTML Text Module
    • 9.1. The abbr element
    • 9.2. The cite element
    • 9.3. The code element
    • 9.4. The dfn element
    • 9.5. The em element
    • 9.6. The kbd element
    • 9.7. The l element
    • 9.8. The q element
    • 9.9. The samp element
    • 9.10. The span element
    • 9.11. The strong element
    • 9.12. The sub element
    • 9.13. The sup element
    • 9.14. The var element
    • 9.15. Issues
  • 10. XHTML Hypertext Module
    • 10.1. The a element
  • 11. XHTML List Module
    • 11.1. Definition lists: the dl, di, dt, and dd elements
    • 11.2. The nl element
    • 11.3. The ol and ul elements
    • 11.4. The li element
    • 11.5. The label element
    • 11.6. Issues
  • 12. XHTML Core Attributes Module
    • 12.1. Core Attribute Collection
    • 12.2. Issues
  • 13. XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module
    • 13.1. Hypertext Attribute Collection
    • 13.2. Issues
  • 14. XHTML I18N Attribute Module
    • 14.1. I18N Attribute Collection
    • 14.2. Issues
  • 15. XHTML Access Module
    • 15.1. The access element
  • 16. XHTML Bi-directional Text Attribute Module
    • 16.1. Bi-directional Text Collection
      • 16.1.1. Inheritance of text direction information
      • 16.1.2. The effect of style sheets on bidirectionality
    • 16.2. Issues
  • 17. XHTML Edit Attributes Module
    • 17.1. Edit Collection
  • 18. XHTML Embedding Attributes Module
    • 18.1. Embedding Attribute Collection
    • 18.2. Issues
  • 19. XHTML Handler Module
    • 19.1. The handler element
      • 19.1.1. Rules for processing handlers
      • 19.1.2. Declaration of a handler language
      • 19.1.3. Dynamic modification of documents
  • 20. XHTML Image Module
    • 20.1. The img element
  • 21. XHTML Image Map Attributes Module
    • 21.1. Image Map Attribute Collection
  • 22. XHTML Media Attribute Module
    • 22.1. Media Attribute Collection
  • 23. XHTML Metainformation Module
    • 23.1. The link element
      • 23.1.1. Forward and reverse links
      • 23.1.2. Links and search engines
    • 23.2. The meta element
      • 23.2.1. meta and search engines
    • 23.3. Literals and Resources
    • 23.4. Document Properties
      • 23.4.1. Literals
      • 23.4.2. Resources
      • 23.4.3. Making Use of External Lists of Properties
    • 23.5. Properties of Other Resources
      • 23.5.1. Resources Within the Containing Document
      • 23.5.2. External Resources
    • 23.6. Chaining Metadata
    • 23.7. Issues
  • 24. XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module
    • 24.1. Metadata Attribute Collection
    • 24.2. Meta and RDF
    • 24.3. Metadata as Content
    • 24.4. Mapping Lexical Content
  • 25. XHTML Object Module
    • 25.1. The object element
      • 25.1.1. Defining terminology
      • 25.1.2. Basic Information for Object Handlers
      • 25.1.3. Rules for processing objects
    • 25.2. The param element
      • 25.2.1. Referencing object data
      • 25.2.2. Object element declarations and instantiations
    • 25.3. The standby element
  • 26. XHTML Role Attribute Module
    • 26.1. Role Attribute Collection
  • 27. Ruby Module
  • 28. XHTML Style Attribute Module
    • 28.1. Style Attribute Collection
    • 28.2. Issues
  • 29. XHTML Style Sheet Module
    • 29.1. The style element
      • 29.1.1. External style sheets
      • 29.1.2. Preferred and alternate style sheets
      • 29.1.3. Specifying external style sheets
  • 30. XHTML Tables Module
    • 30.1. The caption element
    • 30.2. The col and colgroup elements
      • 30.2.1. Calculating the number of columns in a table
    • 30.3. The summary element
    • 30.4. The table element
      • 30.4.1. Visual Rendering
      • 30.4.2. Table directionality
      • 30.4.3. Table rendering by non-visual user agents
    • 30.5. The tbody element
    • 30.6. The td and th elements
      • 30.6.1. Cells that span several rows or columns
    • 30.7. The thead and tfoot elements
    • 30.8. The tr element
    • 30.9. Issues
  • 31. XForms Module
    • 31.1. Core XForms
    • 31.2. XForms Actions
    • 31.3. Form Controls
    • 31.4. Group
    • 31.5. Switch
    • 31.6. Repeat
    • 31.7. XForms Repeat Attribute Collection
    • 31.8. Other Attribute Collections
    • 31.9. Issues
  • 32. XML Events Module
    • 32.1. Events
  • A. Changes from XHTML 1.1
  • B. XHTML 2.0 RELAX NG Definition
      • B.0.1. RELAX NG XHTML 2.0 Driver
  • C. XHTML RELAX NG Module Implementations
    • C.1. XHTML Module Implementations
      • C.1.1. Attribute Collections
      • C.1.2. Document
      • C.1.3. Structural
      • C.1.4. Text
      • C.1.5. Hypertext
      • C.1.6. List
      • C.1.7. Core Attributes
      • C.1.8. Hypertext Attributes
      • C.1.9. I18N Attribute
      • C.1.10. Access
      • C.1.11. Bi-directional Text Attribute
      • C.1.12. Edit Attributes
      • C.1.13. Embedding Attributes
      • C.1.14. Handler
      • C.1.15. Image
      • C.1.16. Image Map Attributes
      • C.1.17. Media Attribute
      • C.1.18. Metainformation Attributes
      • C.1.19. Metainformation
      • C.1.20. Object
      • C.1.21. Role Access
      • C.1.22. Style Attribute
      • C.1.23. Style Sheet
      • C.1.24. Tables
    • C.2. XHTML RELAX NG Support Modules
      • C.2.1. Datatypes
      • C.2.2. Events
      • C.2.3. Param
      • C.2.4. Caption
      • C.2.5. Role Attribute
    • C.3. RELAX NG External Modules
      • C.3.1. Ruby
      • C.3.2. Ruby Driver for Full Ruby Markup
      • C.3.3. XML Events
      • C.3.4. XML Schema instance
  • D. XHTML 2.0 Schema
  • E. XHTML Schema Module Implementations
  • F. XHTML 2.0 Document Type Definition
    • F.1. Issues
  • G. XHTML DTD Module Implementations
    • G.1. XHTML Modular Framework
    • G.2. XHTML Module Implementations
    • G.3. XHTML DTD Support Modules
  • H. Style sheet for XHTML 2
  • I. Example RDF Specification for Roles
  • J. List of Elements
  • K. List of Attributes
  • L. Cross-reference Index
  • M. References
    • M.1. Normative References
    • M.2. Informative References
  • N. Acknowledgements
