Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed.


Windows Server 2008 /Windows 7加入域时,报以下错误:Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed.


When a computer is joined to the domain, it attempts to register a Service Principal Name to ensure that its DNS suffix is allowed in the target domain. The domain join UI queries information from the Local Security Authority (LSA) policy database for the short (NetBIOS) and long (DNS) names of the target domain.

The error described in the symptoms section occurs because a function in the domain join UI improperly performs an LDAP bind to a Domain Controller in the target domain by its short name, which fails in the following conditions:


  1. The "Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP" checkbox has been disabled in the IPv4 properties of the computer being joined

  2. Connectivity over UDP port 137 is blocked between client and the helper DC servicing the join operation in the target domain

  3. The TCP/IPv4 protocol has been disabled so that the client being joined or the DC in the destination domain targeted by the LDAP BIND is running TCP/IPv6 only.


Despite the appearance of the on-screen error described in the symptoms section, the domain join operation completes as evidenced by the status in the NETSETUP.LOG

NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin SUCCESS: Requested a reboot :0x0
NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x0 

To eliminate the error, either:

  1. Verify that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled.

    a) Click Start , click Run , type ncpa.cpl , and then click OK .
    b) In Network Connections , right-click Local Area Connection , and then click Properties .
    c) Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties .
    d) In the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box, click Advanced .
    e) On the WINS tab, verify Enable NetBIOS Over TCP/IP is enabled, and then click OK three  times.

  2. Verify end-to-end network connectivity over UDP port 137 over the network path connecting the client being and the helper DC serving the join operation.

  3. If the error occurred in an IPv6 only environment OR you require a fix to resolve the error, open a support incident with Microsoft Customer Service and Support requesting a post RTM fix for Windows 7 and / or Windows Server 2008 R2.


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