看电影学英语:不速之客[The Vistor] [三]

There's the Statue.  statue是雕像的意思,The statue是自由女神像(Statue of Liberty, The woman is holding up a torch in her right hand and represents freedom.)。
Listen, Charles, I'll explain it to you when I see you. 听着,Charles,等我见到你时再向你解释。
You know that they don't even have an outside space here. 这里的人没有户外活动的空间。
They just have a room with its roof cut out. 他们只有一个没有屋顶的房间。cut out,去掉了,没有。
And they seemed to get along? 他们处得好吧?get along with....与...相处融洽。
He spent seven years in jail in Syria. 他在Syria的监狱里呆了七年。jail=prison.
Because of something he wrote in the newspaper. 因为他在报纸上写的东西。
By the time they released him, he was very sick. 他被释放的时候,身体已经非常糟糕。
Would you like a glass of wine? 要来一杯葡萄酒吗?a glass of wine, a cup of tea....cup通常是带把的杯子,glass指玻璃杯,通常没有把。
Do you go to Broadway? 你去过百老汇吗?Broadway是纽约的一条大街,街上布满了剧院,是演艺活动的中心。
I sound a lot better when he's playing with me. 他和我一起敲(鼓)时就好很多。
sound a lot better,听起来好很多。
You have my number if you need anything. 有事给我打电话。
Have a safe trip. 一路平安。类似的:have a nice day,玩得开心。
I didn't expect you so soon. 我没想到你会这么快来。expect,名词是expectation,期望。
I was wondering. Thursday night. Do you have any plans? 我想问你,星期四晚上你有空吗?(相约某人时可以使用此句)。
No, Walter. I have no plans. 不,Walter,我没有事。
Okay. Well, then, I thought...maybe we might do something. 那好啊,我想我们可以找点事情做。

I'm a terrorist? 我是恐怖分子吗?Terrorist,恐怖分子。
There are no terrorists in here. 这里没有恐怖分子
The terrorists have money. They have support. 恐怖分子有的是钱,他们都有后台。
This is just not fair. 这太不公平了。
How do you know? You're out there. 你怎么可能知道,你又不在里面。
Yes. That's wonderful. 太棒了。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
I'm so excited. 我太激动了。
I think that show was really kind of scary. 我认为这场演出有点恐怖。
It was a little scary. Yeah. 是的,有一点儿。
Are you finished? (侍者问)吃好了吗?
Yes. Thank you. 是的,谢谢。
How was everything? (侍者问)东西合您的口味吗?
Great. 非常好。
Very good. 非常棒。
Actually, I think I'd like a glass of wine, please. 我想要一杯葡萄酒。
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even think to ask. 抱歉,我忘了点了。
I'll have a Cabernet. 给我来杯红葡萄酒。
Two, please. 两杯,谢谢。
I'm taking a leave of absence...for the rest of the semester. 我请了假,这个学期剩下的时间都不用去了。
You don't have to do this. You're busy. 你不必这么做的,你很忙。
No, I want to. 不,我想这么做。
The truth is I haven't done any real work in a very long time. 事实上我已经很久没有做过一件像样的事了。real work,像样的事,值得做的事。
I really appreciate you telling me this. 你能告诉我这些我非常感激。I really appreciate...我非常感谢。。。。一个常用的句式。
Okay. When do you expect him? 你知道他什么时候回来吗?
All right. When he gets in, could you have him call me as soon as possible? 好的,他一回来,你就马上打给我好吗?
It's an emergency. Thank you.  事态紧急,谢谢。
Is there any way that I could contact him? 有什么办法可以联系他吗?
I don't think so. 我不知道。
You don't think so. What kind of an answer is that? 你不知道?这算什么回答?
I'm sorry, sir. That's all the information that I have. 抱歉,我知道的就这么多。
Now, please step away from the window? 请让开窗口好吗?
You can contact I.C. if you have any further questions. 如果你还有问题,请联系I.C. (移民署)
It's my fault what happened to Tarek. Tarek弄成这样都怪我。
We did receive the letter telling us to leave. 我们确实收到了驱逐令。

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