Fix BroadCom4311 wireless card and battery meter problems

Easy install Leopard in this Compaq C500 laptop with iATKOS v4i.
All working except wireless card BroadCom4311 and battery meter.

But BIG BIG thanks to Chun-Nan, his script make it very easy to fix and working as I type in here with new leopard.
I tried lots of way found from internet and only this way is working.

I download and install OSx86Tools.
attached is my lspci file,IODeviceTree and IOPCIFamily files.

ioreg -l -w0 -p IODeviceTree >IODeviceTree.txt and then
ioreg -l -w0 -p IOPCIFamily >IOPCIFamily.txt

in lspci file, load from OSx86Tools, system found my broadcom4311 card, but it's not appear in PCI cards from System profiler.
in IODeviceTree, there is pci14e4 4311 card in details, but not in IOPCIfamily file.

I download two kext files made by Chun-Nan install both from  OSx86Tools and my wireless card is working.

I think it's working as well, if you just install IOPCIFamily.kext.

only the problem is in System profiler
under PCI cards said "This computer does not appear to have any PCI cards installed."
and under AirPort card information said "Third Party Wireless Card"
but doesnt matter, my wireless card is working.

Thanks Chun-Nan again:

Download and install AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext, all working fine.

Anything else not working will post later....
