netapp 3050换盘操作流程


                            netapp 3050换盘操作流程

1、  先查看信息

netapp-db-B>sysconfig –r


Spare disks


RAID Disk       Device  HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)

---------       ------  ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------

Spare disks for block or zoned checksum traditional volumes or aggregates

spare           2a.29   2a    1   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 136000/278528000  137422/281442144

spare           1a.45   1a    2   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 272000/557056000  280104/573653840



Spare disks

RAID Disk Device      HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)

---------        ------ ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------

Spare disks for block or zoned checksum traditional volumes or aggregates

spare     2a.48        2a    3   0   FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 136000/278528000  137104/280790184

spare     2a.29        2a    1   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 136000/278528000  137422/281442144

spare     1a.45        1a    2   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 272000/557056000  280104/573653840


可看出比原来的少了一块热备盘。(        2a.48



netapp-db-B> aggr status -s


Spare disks


RAID Disk       Device  HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)

---------       ------  ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------

Spare disks for block or zoned checksum traditional volumes or aggregates

spare           2a.29   2a    1   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 136000/278528000  137422/281442144

spare           1a.45   1a    2   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 272000/557056000  280104/573653840



netapp-db-B> rdfile /etc/messages

netapp-db-B> rdfile /etc/messages.0

netapp-db-B> rdfile /etc/messages.1

netapp-db-B> rdfile /etc/messages.2

netapp-db-B> rdfile /etc/messages.3

netapp-db-B> rdfile /etc/messages.4



Tue Jan  1 00:28:16 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: ems.engine.inputSuppress:error]: Event 'scsi.path.excessiveErrors' suppressed 2 times since Wed Aug 31 02:26:16 CST 2011.

Tue Jan  1 00:28:16 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: scsi.path.excessiveErrors:error]: Excessive errors encountered by adapter 2a on disk device 2a.48.

Tue Jan  1 00:31:54 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: ispfc_init_0:error]: Failed to build FCAL map on Fibre Channel adapter 2a -- resetting adapter.

Tue Jan  1 00:32:00 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: raid.config.filesystem.disk.missing:info]: File system Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/2a.48 Shelf 3 Bay 0 [NETAPP   X274_HPYTA146F10 NA03] S/N [V5WZYZAA] is missing.坏盘的型号SN都提示出来的

Tue Jan  1 00:32:00 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: fmmb.lock.disk.remove:info]: Disk ?.? removed from local mailbox set.

Tue Jan  1 00:32:00 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: raid.rg.recons.missing:notice]: RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0 is missing 1 disk(s).

Tue Jan  1 00:32:00(重构开始时间) CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B:]: Spare disk 2a.23 will be used to reconstruct(重构) one missing disk in RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0.

Tue Jan  1 00:32:00 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: esh.bypass.err.disk:error]: Disk id 48 on channels 2a/PARTNER shelf id 3 ESH A bay 0 Bypassed at request of partner

Tue Jan  1 00:32:00 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: raid.rg.recons.start:notice]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0: starting reconstruction, using disk 2a.23

Tue Jan  1 00:32:03 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 2a.32 is a local HA mailbox(仲裁盘) disk.

Tue Jan  1 00:32:08 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 2a.16 is a local HA mailbox disk.

Tue Jan  1 00:32:08 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 2a.32 is a local HA mailbox disk.

Tue Jan  1 00:32:17 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: asup.smtp.sent:notice]: Cluster Notification mail sent: Cluster Notification from xxzx-netapp-db-B (DISK_FAIL - Bypassed by ESH) WARNING

Tue Jan  1 00:32:55 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: asup.smtp.sent:notice]: Cluster Notification mail sent: Cluster Notification from xxzx-netapp-db-B (FILESYSTEM DISK MISSING) WARNING

Tue Jan  1 02:00:00 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: kern.uptime.filer:info]:   2:00am up 748 days, 13:18 0 NFS ops, 165356 CIFS ops, 460 HTTP ops, 3634619546 FCP ops, 181212908 iSCSI ops

Tue Jan  1 03:00:00 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: kern.uptime.filer:info]:   3:00am up 748 days, 14:18 0 NFS ops, 165356 CIFS ops, 460 HTTP ops, 3634817890 FCP ops, 181212915 iSCSI ops

Tue Jan  1 03:51:44 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: raid.rg.recons.done:notice]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0: reconstruction completed for 2a.23 in 3:19:43.02重构结束时间

Tue Jan  1 03:51:45 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: fmmb.lock.disk.remove:info]: Disk 2a.16 removed from local mailbox set.

Tue Jan  1 03:51:45 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 2a.32 is a local HA mailbox disk.

Tue Jan  1 03:51:45 CST [xxzx-netapp-db-B: fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 2a.23 is a local HA mailbox disk.


2、  更换硬盘。

Netapp 物理机拔出黄灯报警硬盘,几秒钟后插入新盘,注意观察有闪黄灯变为绿灯过程

3、  验证

netapp-db-B> aggr status -s


Spare disks

RAID Disk Device      HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)

---------        ------ ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------

Spare disks for block or zoned checksum traditional volumes or aggregates

spare     2a.48        2a    3   0   FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 136000/278528000  137104/280790184

spare     2a.29        2a    1   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 136000/278528000  137422/281442144

spare     1a.45        1a    2   13  FC:A   -  FCAL 10000 272000/557056000  280104/573653840



netapp-db-B> vol status –s

spare     2a.48        2a    3   0 not zerod

spare     2a.29        2a    1   13

spare     1a.45        1a    2   13


注意:如发现 not zerod 状态(出厂空白盘的话无此提示


netapp-db-B> disk zero spares (磁盘零化)


netapp-db-B> vol status –s

spare     2a.48        2a    3   0 zero 6%

spare     2a.29        2a    1   13

spare     1a.45        1a    2   13




