
  • A List Apart: alistapart.com
  • UX Booth: uxbooth.com
  • 52 weeks of UX: 52weeksofux.com
  • UX Mag: uxmag.com
  • UsabilityPost: usabilitypost.com
  • The IxD Library: theixdlibrary.com
  • Boxes and Arrows: boxesandarrows.com
  • UX Myths: uxmyths.com
  • Use It: useit.com
  • Little Big Details: littlebigdetails.com
  • Luke W: lukew.com/ff
  • The Iskeletor Hyperlinks: The Iskeletor - Pushing Usability to the Forefront - Hyperlinks
  • Core 77: core77.com
  • Adaptive Path: adaptivepath.com/ideas/blog
  • Konigi: konigi.com
  • Information Architects: informationarchitects.jp
  • Johnny Holland's Blog: johnnyholland.org
  • Smashing Magazine UX Section: http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine...
  • Felt Presence (Ryan Singer): http://feltpresence.com
  • Small Nudges: Small Nudges
  • Pattern Tap:http://patterntap.com/
  • Yahoo Pattern Design Library: http://http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/
  • Little Big Details: http://littlebigdetails.com/
  • Bokardo:http://bokardo.com/


