HP-UX 中 swinstall和swlist简介man swlist

HP-UX 中 swinstall和swlist简介

man swlist


man swinstall

$ swlist -h
swlist: illegal option -- h
Usage: swlist [options] [software_selections] [@ target_selections]

Options include:

    -v                write verbose output to stdout
    -r                target selections are alternate root directories
    -d                target selections are software depots
    -R                shorthand for -l bundle -l subproduct -l fileset
    -l level          levels of objects to view, one of: "depot",
                      "bundle", "product", "subproduct", "fileset",
                      "file", "root", "shroot", "prroot",
                      "category", "patch", "control_file"
    -a attribute      list this attribute (multiple -a options can be
    -s source         read the software selections from this source
    -x option=value   set the option to value
    -X option_file    read option definitions from this file
    -f software_file  read software selections from this file
    -t target_file    read target selections from this file
    -C session_file   user saved session file
    -S session_file   read options, software selections, and target
                      selections from this file

Software selections are specified as:

    product[.subproduct][.fileset][,version] ...

where version is either


Target selections are specified as:

    @ [host][:][path] ..
