Mirrors of Ubuntu

Mirrors of Ubuntu

Argentina 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
Patan.com.ar http 100 Mbps Six hours behind
Australia 4 Gbps 8 mirrors
iiNet http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Six hours behind
AARNet Pty Ltd http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Internode http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Six hours behind
Netspace Online Systems http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
3FL / Westnet http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
Planetmirror-com http ftp 100 Mbps Up to date
Optus.net http 10 Mbps Six hours behind
Mirror-pacific-net-au http 10 Mbps One week behind
Austria 1 Gbps 4 mirrors
Inode Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs GmbH http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
lagis Internet Serviceprovider GmbH http ftp 100 Mbps One day behind
University of Klagenfurt http ftp 100 Mbps One week behind
Gd-tuwien-ac-at http 10 Mbps Six hours behind
Belarus 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
linux.org.by mirror http ftp 100 Mbps One week behind
Belgium 1 Gbps 3 mirrors
BELNET http ftp 1 Gbps Two days behind
Infogroep http 100 Mbps Up to date
Ubuntu-mirrors-skynet-be http 10 Mbps Up to date
Bosnia and Herzegovina 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
BiHnet ISP, BH Telecom http 100 Mbps One week behind
Botswana 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
TENET http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
Brazil 13 Gbps 6 mirrors
Globo.com http 10 Gbps Unknown freshness
C3SL/UFPR http ftp rsync 2 Gbps One week behind
University of Sao Paulo http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Edugraf - INE - CTC - UFSC http 100 Mbps Unknown freshness
LAS-IC-Unicamp http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Two days behind
Interlegis http 10 Mbps Up to date
Bulgaria 8 Gbps 5 mirrors
IPACCT http ftp rsync 4 Gbps Six hours behind
Linux-BG.org http ftp rsync 2 Gbps One day behind
hitsol.net http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
hitsol.net http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
nano-box by botevgrad.com http ftp 100 Mbps Two days behind
Canada 4 Gbps 8 mirrors
Gulus http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
University of Waterloo Computer Science Club http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
iWeb Technologies Inc. http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Portafixe http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
Savoir-faire Linux http ftp 100 Mbps One day behind
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary http ftp rsync 10 Mbps One day behind
Ftp-cs-mun-ca ftp 10 Mbps Unknown freshness
Ubuntu-mirror-rafal-ca http 10 Mbps One day behind
Chile 1 Gbps 3 mirrors
TECNOERA http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Chile http ftp rsync 10 Mbps One day behind
Escuela de Ing. Informática - PUCV http 2 Mbps One week behind
China 400 Mbps 4 mirrors
LUPA http rsync 100 Mbps Two hours behind
rootguide.org http ftp 100 Mbps Up to date
Shanghai Linux User Group http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Unknown freshness
Ubuntu@UESTC http rsync 100 Mbps Up to date
Costa Rica 10 Mbps 1 mirrors
Ftp-ucr-ac-cr http 10 Mbps Up to date
Croatia 1 Gbps 1 mirrors
Faculty of civil engineering, Zagreb http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Six hours behind
Cyprus 45 Mbps 1 mirrors
Cytanet http 45 Mbps One day behind
Czech Republic 7 Gbps 7 mirrors
Silicon Hill http ftp rsync 2 Gbps One day behind
UPC Česká republika, a.s. http ftp rsync 2 Gbps One day behind
Cesnet, z.s.p.o. http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
Czech Technical University Prague http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
Ignum, s.r.o. http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Advokatni kancelar Kindl&Partneri http 100 Mbps One day behind
Ubuntu-sh-cvut-cz http 10 Mbps One week behind
Denmark 2 Gbps 3 mirrors
UNI-C http 1 Gbps One week behind
KLID http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
Mirror-uni-c-dk http 10 Mbps One week behind
Estonia 1 Gbps 1 mirrors
Elion Enterprises Ltd http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Finland 1 Gbps 2 mirrors
CSC / Funet http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Mirrors-nic-funet-fi http 10 Mbps Six hours behind
France 8 Gbps 10 mirrors
Free http ftp 2 Gbps One week behind
Fondation d'entreprise Free http ftp rsync 2 Gbps One day behind
CRIHAN http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
Orange Business Services http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
Université de Nantes http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Two days behind
CIRIL http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Florian Entreprise http 100 Mbps One week behind
Université de Picardie http ftp 100 Mbps Six hours behind
OVH http ftp 100 Mbps One day behind
Universite Reims Champagne-Ardenne http ftp 10 Mbps Two days behind
French Polynesia 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
LoLiTa http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
Georgia 10 Mbps 1 mirrors
Open Consultants http ftp 10 Mbps One week behind
Germany 20 Gbps 20 mirrors
De-archive-ubuntu-com http rsync 4 Gbps One day behind
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences http ftp rsync 2 Gbps Up to date
University of Kaiserslautern http ftp rsync 2 Gbps Up to date
intergenia AG http rsync 2 Gbps One week behind
Cable & Wireless http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Two days behind
Univerity of Muensters http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Freie Universität Berlin ftp 1 Gbps Six hours behind
RWTH Aachen University http ftp 1 Gbps Six hours behind
RRZN, Leibniz Universität Hannover ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
RRZN ftp 1 Gbps Six hours behind
StudNet Bonn http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
GWDG http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
SunSITE.RWTH-Aachen.de http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
University of Mannheim http ftp 1 Gbps Six hours behind
University of Applied Sciences Wolfenbuettel http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Up to date
Host Europe http ftp 100 Mbps Two days behind
wff-gaming.de http ftp 100 Mbps Up to date
Ftp-stud-fht-esslingen-de http 10 Mbps One day behind
Ftp-tu-chemnitz-de http 10 Mbps One week behind
Snert-mi-hs-heilbronn-de http 10 Mbps One week behind
Greece 5 Gbps 5 mirrors
University of Crete http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
Democritus University of Thrace http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Six hours behind
National Technical University of Athens http ftp 1 Gbps Six hours behind
National Technical University of Athens http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
OTENET http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
Hong Kong 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
Hostrino http ftp 100 Mbps One week behind
Hungary 110 Mbps 2 mirrors
FSN.hu Foundation http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
KFKI.hu http ftp 10 Mbps One day behind
Iceland 10 Mbps 1 mirrors
Ubuntu-lhi-is http 10 Mbps One day behind
India 45 Mbps 1 mirrors
indian institute of technology madras http ftp rsync 45 Mbps One week behind
Indonesia 4 Gbps 4 mirrors
EEPIS-ITS http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia http 1 Gbps Up to date
IndikaNet http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Ubuntu.indika.net.id-archive2 http 1 Gbps Up to date
Ireland 11 Gbps 3 mirrors
HEAnet http ftp rsync 10 Gbps Two hours behind
Esat Net http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Ftp-heanet-ie http 10 Mbps One day behind
Israel 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
Israel Internet Association http ftp 100 Mbps One day behind
Italy 2 Gbps 5 mirrors
University of Rome - La Sapienza http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
Fastbull http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
GARR/CILEA mirror service http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
ICT Valle Umbra s.r.l. http 100 Mbps One week behind
University of Genoa http ftp 10 Mbps Two hours behind
Japan 6 Gbps 8 mirrors
JAIST http ftp rsync 2 Gbps One day behind
Ftp-ecc-u-tokyo-ac-jp http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
RIKEN http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
Yamagata University http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Two days behind
UNIVERSITY OF TOYAMA with Ubuntu Japanese LoCo http 1 Gbps One week behind
K.K. Ashisuto with Ubuntu Japanese LoCo http 100 Mbps Two hours behind
mithril-linux.org (offered by Debian-JP Project member) http 100 Mbps One day behind
KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One week behind
Korea, Republic of 1 Gbps 3 mirrors
Daum Communications Corp. http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
Mirror-letsopen-com http 100 Mbps Up to date
Korea University http ftp 100 Mbps One week behind
Latvia 10 Mbps 1 mirrors
Ftp-linux-edu-lv http 10 Mbps One day behind
Lithuania 10 Mbps 1 mirrors
Litnet http ftp rsync 10 Mbps One week behind
Malaysia 210 Mbps 3 mirrors
Multimedia University (MMU) http 100 Mbps One week behind
MMU http 100 Mbps Six hours behind
OSCC http 10 Mbps One week behind
Malta 2 Mbps 1 mirrors
Malta Linux User Group http ftp rsync 2 Mbps Up to date
Mongolia 2 Mbps 1 mirrors
Mongolian Open Source Initiative NGO http 2 Mbps One week behind
Namibia 1 Mbps 1 mirrors
Polytechnic of Namibia http ftp 1 Mbps One week behind
Nepal 10 Mbps 1 mirrors
Mitra Network Private Limited http 10 Mbps One week behind
Netherlands 20 Gbps 9 mirrors
Cambrium BV. http 10 Gbps Up to date
BIT B.V. http ftp rsync 2 Gbps One week behind
University of Twente, The Netherlands http ftp rsync 2 Gbps Up to date
Eweka Internet Services BV http ftp 2 Gbps Two hours behind
Telfort Internet http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
Technische Universiteit Delft http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
PCextreme B.V. http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
ftp.tiscali.nl-archive http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
Ftpserv-tudelft-nl ftp 10 Mbps One day behind
New Zealand 2 Gbps 2 mirrors
Ftp-citylink-co-nz http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
ihug http ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
Norway 1 Gbps 1 mirrors
UNINETT/University of Oslo http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Unknown freshness
Poland 2 Gbps 5 mirrors
Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
Vectra http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Unknown freshness
Ftp-man-szczecin-pl ftp 10 Mbps One week behind
Piotrkosoft.net - Data Storage Center http ftp rsync 10 Mbps Two days behind
Ubuntu-task-gda-pl http 10 Mbps One week behind
Portugal 4 Gbps 6 mirrors
Dep. de Ciência de Computadores - FCUP http 1 Gbps One day behind
University of Coimbra, Dep. Informatics Engineering http ftp 1 Gbps Six hours behind
nfsi telecom http ftp 1 Gbps Six hours behind
NEACM - University of Porto http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
sdAEIST http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One week behind
Mosel ESTG-IPleiria http rsync 100 Mbps Unknown freshness
Qatar 100 Mbps 1 mirrors
Carnegie Mellon - Qatar http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Up to date
Romania 1 Gbps 4 mirrors
xServers Romania http 1 Gbps One day behind
UPC Romania http ftp 100 Mbps Unknown freshness
ArLUG (Arad Linux Users Group) http ftp 100 Mbps One day behind
Ftp-lug-ro http 10 Mbps One week behind
Russian Federation 4 Gbps 7 mirrors
Corbina Telecom ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
COMSTAR-Direct http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Two hours behind
Golden Telecom Inc http 1 Gbps One day behind
Yandex http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ftp rsync 100 Mbps One week behind
Ftp-chg-ru http ftp rsync 10 Mbps Up to date
AlexAnis Home http 1 Mbps One week behind
Serbia 1 Gbps 1 mirrors
RC ETF http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Singapore 1 Gbps 2 mirrors
EZNETWORKING SOLUTIONS PTE. LTD. http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Six hours behind
ITU, Science, National University of Singapore http ftp 100 Mbps Two days behind
Slovakia 3 Gbps 3 mirrors
YNET & kubuntu.sk http 2 Gbps Unknown freshness
Antik computers & communications s.r.o. http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Six hours behind
Energotel, a.s. http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Two hours behind
South Africa 102 Mbps 2 mirrors
TENET http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
UCT LEG http ftp rsync 2 Mbps One week behind
Spain 7 Gbps 10 mirrors
CICA http ftp rsync 2 Gbps Up to date
Universidade da Coruña http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Unknown freshness
Ourense Software Libre http 1 Gbps Up to date
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - ETSIT - Dpto Sistemas Telemáticos y Computación http 1 Gbps One hour behind
Universidad de Zaragoza http ftp 1 Gbps Two hours behind
RedIRIS http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
Caliu http 100 Mbps One week behind
Delegación de Alumnos de Teleco - ETSIT - UPM http ftp 100 Mbps One day behind
GRN Serveis telemàtics http ftp 100 Mbps Up to date
Ftp-gui-uva-es http 10 Mbps Six hours behind
Sweden 8 Gbps 7 mirrors
Sunet FTP archive http ftp rsync 2 Gbps Two days behind
Academic Computer Club, Umeå University http rsync 2 Gbps One week behind
DF - The Computer Society at the Lund Institute of Technology. http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
DatorSektionen Högskolan Jönköping http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
Mirrors.kernel.org http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Unknown freshness
Stockholm University http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Ftp-port80-se http 10 Mbps One week behind
Switzerland 10 Gbps 2 mirrors
SWITCH http ftp 10 Gbps One day behind
Powermongo http 1 Mbps Six hours behind
Taiwan 29 Gbps 11 mirrors
NCHC, Taiwan http ftp 20 Gbps One week behind
NCTUCC http ftp rsync 2 Gbps Six hours behind
Chung-Hua University ftp 1 Gbps One week behind
Providence University , CCI http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Yuan Ze University Department of Computer Science http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
National Center for High-Performance Computing(NCHC) http ftp 1 Gbps Unknown freshness
National Taitung University http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
National Taiwan University http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Shu-Te University http ftp 1 Gbps One day behind
National Chi Nan University http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Up to date
Computer Science Institute, Chiao-Tung University http ftp 100 Mbps Up to date
Thailand 1 Gbps 3 mirrors
Office of Computer Services, Kasetsart University http 1 Gbps One hour behind
School of Information Technology, KMUTT http 100 Mbps One week behind
Thai National Mirror http 10 Mbps One hour behind
Turkey 1 Gbps 3 mirrors
Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
Middle East Technical University http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
Turkey GNU Organization http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One week behind
Ukraine 110 Mbps 2 mirrors
Mirohost.net http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Two days behind
XCP + HELL http ftp rsync 10 Mbps One day behind
United Kingdom 4 Gbps 8 mirrors
University Of Kent UK Mirror Service http ftp rsync 2 Gbps Up to date
Oxford University Computing Services http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
datahop.it http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Canonical Ltd http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Up to date
Ticklers.Org http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One week behind
The Positive Internet Company http 100 Mbps Two hours behind
Retrosnub Internet Services http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Up to date
Virgin Media http ftp 100 Mbps Two days behind
United States 24 Gbps 38 mirrors
Argonne National Laboratory http ftp rsync 10 Gbps Up to date
University of Chicago - Astronomy Department Public Mirror http ftp 1 Gbps Up to date
University of South Florida http ftp 1 Gbps Unknown freshness
Central Michigan University Computer Science Department http 1 Gbps One week behind
Portland State University http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Two hours behind
Northeastern University College of Computer Science http ftp 1 Gbps Two hours behind
easynews.com-archives http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Up to date
Mirrors.kernel.org http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Rochester Institute of Technology http rsync 1 Gbps One day behind
Xmission http ftp 1 Gbps Unknown freshness
MIT Media Lab http rsync 1 Gbps Six hours behind
UUNET Customer Security Support http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
Walla Walla University http ftp rsync 1 Gbps One week behind
Georgia Tech. Software Library http ftp rsync 1 Gbps Two days behind
Duke University http 100 Mbps Two days behind
Michigan Tech Linux Users' Group http ftp rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
Clarkson University http 100 Mbps Up to date
Columbia University http ftp 100 Mbps One week behind
[url]www.imbrandon.com[/url] http 100 Mbps One week behind
University of Idaho http ftp 100 Mbps One week behind
University of Maryland http 100 Mbps One day behind
JHU ACM http 100 Mbps One week behind
University of California at Merced http rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
Frontier Communications http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Six hours behind
OSU Open Source Lab http ftp rsync 100 Mbps Up to date
University of Minnesota Ubuntu Archive http rsync 100 Mbps One day behind
WVU LCSEE http 45 Mbps One week behind
University of California at Davis http 45 Mbps One day behind
University of Alaska Fairbanks http 45 Mbps Up to date
Ubuntu-Rocks.Org http ftp rsync 10 Mbps Up to date
University of Colorado at Denver http ftp 10 Mbps One day behind
Ftp-unina-it http 10 Mbps One week behind
Ftp-ussg-iu-edu http 10 Mbps One day behind
The University of Texas at Austin http ftp rsync 10 Mbps One week behind
Mirrors-cs-wmich-edu http 10 Mbps Six hours behind
Ubuntu-cs-utah-edu http 10 Mbps Six hours behind
University of Colorado at Boulder http 10 Mbps One day behind
Oakland University http 10 Mbps One week behind
Uzbekistan 45 Mbps 1 mirrors
Sharq Telekom http ftp 45 Mbps One week behind
Viet Nam 10 Mbps 1 mirrors
FPT Telecom http ftp 10 Mbps One week behind
265 mirror(s) registered with a total throughput of 230 Gbps.


