HACMP全攻略之概念篇-- 一些容易混淆或常被问及的问题、基本概念、什么情况下不要用HA
HACMP全攻略之准备篇 |
HACMP全攻略之准备篇 首先当然是要安装操作系统了。AIX的安装这儿就不讲了,记着打补丁、升微码,应该没什么问题吧。 |
HACMP全攻略之安装与配置 |
HACMP全攻略之安装与配置 在此之前我们已经设计好了cluster、定义了TCP/IP网络、串口网络、LVM。下面就要开始安装HA软件包了。
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HACMP全攻略之安装与配置2 |
HACMP全攻略之安装与配置 2-资源组的配置 下面开始定义资源 首先增加一个资源组: Define Resource Groups
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Add a Resource Group
Change / Show a Resource Group
Remove a Resource Group
Change / Show Resource Group Processing Order
Add a Resource Group Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields] * Resource Group Name [test_app] * Node Relationship cascading + * Site Relationship ignore + * Participating Node Names / Default Node Priority [servera serverb] +
在这确定接管方式和顺序。 下面增加Application Servers Define Application Servers
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Add an Application Server Change / Show an Application Server Remove an Application Server
Add an Application Server
Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields] * Server Name [test_s ] * Start Script [] * Stop Script []
脚本要写绝对路径。 然后设置资源组属性: Change/Show Resources/Attributes for a Resource Group
Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields] Resource Group Name test_app Node Relationship cascading Site Relationship ignore Participating Node Names / Default Node Priority servera serverb Dynamic Node Priority [] +
Service IP label [servera_svc] + Filesystems (default is All) [] + Filesystems Consistency Check fsck + Filesystems Recovery Method sequential + Filesystems/Directories to Export [] + Filesystems/Directories to NFS mount [] + Network For NFS Mount [] + Volume Groups [servera_vg] + Concurrent Volume groups [] + Raw Disk PVIDs [] + Connections Services [] + Fast Connect Services [] + Tape Resources [] + Application Servers [test_s] + Communication Links [] + Primary Workload Manager Class [] + Secondary Workload Manager Class [] + Miscellaneous Data []
Automatically Import Volume Groups false + Inactive Takeover Activated false + Cascading Without Fallback Enabled false + Disk Fencing Activated false + Filesystems mounted before IP configured false +
Synchronize Cluster Resources
Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields] Ignore Cluster Verification Errors? [No] + Un/Configure Cluster Resources? [Yes] + * Emulate or Actual? [Actual] + * Skip Cluster Verification [No] +
Note: Only the local node's default configuration files keep the changes you make for resource DARE emulation. Once you run your emulation, to restore the original configuration rather than running an actual DARE, run the SMIT command, "Restore System Default Configuration from Active Configuration." We recommend that you make a snapshot before running an emulation, just in case uncontrolled cluster events happen during emulation.
一切ok的话,ha的配置过程就算结束了。 仔细想想也没什么难的,对吧。 上面的环境是ha4.5,ha5就更加简单了。主要的步骤都差不多,只是菜单变化比较大,熟悉一下就应该可以了。当然5的功能还是强了许多,特别在同步上,感觉方便多了。
如果想进一步,还有很多事可以做,比如利用各种事件来监控系统和应用啦。 以后再说吧,写东西还是蛮累得。 |