
1、Blue box:所有BOX的总称!
2、Red box:模拟硬币掉入的声音!
The Red box basically simulates the sounds of coins being dropped into the coin slot of a
payphone. The traditional Red Box consisting of a pair of Wien-bridge oscillators with the timing controlled
by 555 timer chips.
The Blue Box, The mother of all boxes, The first box in history, which started the whole phreaking scene.
Invented by John Draper (aka "Captain Crunch") in the early 60s, who discovered that by sending a tone of
2600Hz over the telephone lines of AT&T, it was possible to make free calls.
A Black Box is a device that is hooked up to your phone that fixes your phone so that when you get a call,
the caller doesn't get charged for the call. This is good for calls up to 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour the Phone Co.
gets suspicious, and then you can guess what happens.
The White Box turns a normal touch tone keypad into a portable unit. This kind of box can be commonly
found in a phone shop.
