介绍一个工具用于对比两个数据库数据表结构异同---schema sync(官网:http://schemasync.org/)
是由python写成, 比较两个库结构的时候生成一个patch脚本和一个revert脚本
Python 2.4, 2.5, or 2.6
MySQL, version 5.0 or higher
MySQLdb, version 1.2.1p2 or higher
SchemaObject 0.5.3 or higher (Auto installed with Schema Sync)
wget http://www.schemasync.org/downloads/SchemaSync-0.9.2.tar.gz
tar xvzf SchemaSync-0.9.2.tar.gz
cd SchemaSync-0.9.2
sudo python setup.py install
Sync the production db with the changes from the development db
schemasync mysql://user:pass@dev-host:3306/dev_db mysql://user:pass@prod-host:3306/production_db
Bob and Sally were working on independent parts of the application that required schema changes. Migrate these changes to the SAN so they can be tested and later rolled up to the production db.
schemasync --tag="bob" --ouput-dir="/location/of/san/" \ mysql://user:pass@dev-host:3306/dev_db_bob mysql://user:pass@prod-host:3306/production_db
schemasync --tag="sally" --ouput-dir="/location/of/san/" \ mysql://user:pass@dev-host:3306/dev_db_sally mysql://user:pass@prod-host:3306/production_db