The X100P is a single port fxo (foreign exchange office) card whose job it is to interface an analog line from the phone company to your linux box. There are two variations of this card. The first consists of a Motorola chip and two small chips from Silicon Laboratories. The second card, also known as the x101p, consists of a Tiger Jet 320 chip and an updated Silicon Labs chip or chipset.
The Motorola and Tiger Jet chips serve the same purpose on both variations of the fxo card - they govern the PCI bus interface and provide a bi-directional serial interface to the Silicon Labs chips. The Silicon Labs chips are DAA's (Direct Access Arrangements). They govern the analog interface to the phone company and perform bi-directional analog to digital conversion.
The Digium X100P FXO card, and the DigitNetworks X100P OEM clone card, are actually Intel V92 Data/Fax/Voice modem cards. From looking at the published pictures of the cards, it is obvious that the cards are identical to the standard Intel V92 Winmodem PCI card. These cards are also known as controllerless or software modem cards.
A modem with the following chipsets should work:
Intel 537PG and 537PU
Ambient MD3200
Motorola 62802 - Sometimes incorporated onto cards known as SM56 PCI modems.
Note: 537EP is based on si3052 chip, not compatible with tj320 chip (and wcfxo module).
Many users have reported echo or delay problems using a clone. The x100p does not have a programable chipset for impedance matching. wcfxo with option opermode=1 parameter was intended for the TDM card. There seems to be different DAA's used in the clones. Si3012 for the US market and Si3014 for the global market.
There is also the Si3017 and Si3018 (Global) which are the newer versions of these chips as seen on the Intel modem chipsets linecard. Make sure the card you buy is for your region.
There are many comments about echo problems with clone X100P cards. These problems can be rectified by following the Echo cancellation steps in The Hitchhiker's guide to Asterisk or see Asterisk x100p echotraining.
One important point when you use an Intel V92 modem card that has not been purchased as the X100P card from Digium, but otherwise look identical to it, is that the electronic vendorID read from the card will be different. Current zaptel versions support both genuine X100P and clones.
Problems encountered
There are various reports where users have encountered problems of IRQ sharing with the card. Here is one example of a user that has failed to make an Intel card work. Buying a card with a 'recognised' chipset is no guarantee it will work.
There are inconsistent reports about Motorola SM56's capability to transmit CallerID.
The hanging 'Off hook' issue
I experienced an issue with my two X100P's which are literally installed 5 metres (cable-wise, 2 metres otherwise) from a telephone exchange whereby they would, after a long period of use, stay 'off hook'. I guess this is an electrical issue, perhaps due to insufficient grounding (here in China electrical ground is like free lunch... it doesn't exist). Anyway it was particularly strange because after it stayed 'off hook' for awhile, dialling the corresponding telephone number gave a network-generated error rather than simply ringing out or busy. I developed a workaround whereby the asterisk service is restarted every morning at 3am. Though probably it would be enough to load/unload the zap modules or somehow otherwise force a firmware reset in the cards, this works for me and is perfectly acceptable.
Clone cards
Astercon AX100P Be detected as "X100".
BroadTel Identified by official Asterisk zaptel driver as X100P. Work great!
DigitNetworks Identified by official Asterisk zaptel driver as X101P (as opposed to X100P)
India X100P Identified by official Asterisk zaptel driver as X100P
InfoMatrix X100P Identified by official Asterisk zaptel driver as X101P or X100P depends on which variation you got
voxzone.com Identified by official Asterisk zaptel driver as Wildcard X100P
X100P.com Identified by official Asterisk zaptel driver as X100P (now with a Special Edition)
Mercury Ambient chipset modem. With these cards some users have reported issues with Mercury cards whilst others have had no problems, eg
Here is one unhappy user
Sweex CA000022 Confirmed by Sweex as an Intel 537EP chipset - Si3018 DAA.
Dynamode M56PCI-H-AMB Confirmed by Dynamode as an Intel 537EP chipset - Unknown DAA.
iaxTalk.com Ambient MD3200 chip based X100P Clone card. Si3012 + Si3021 act as DAA.
x100p.eu Dedicated FXO with Motorola chipset, reported by Asterisk as a X100P.
Encore WinMODEM identified as ENF656-PCIG-MOPR is an SM56 PCI card, uses Motorola chipset, reported by Asterisk zaptel as an X100P. Long discontinued but works nicely if you find one. (Some reports suggest that this card does not transfer CallerID, even though the original MODEM manual claims this capability.) --- infoMatrix X100P, caller ID transfer guarantied ! ---
Notes for country use
Ensure the card is connected with a two wire cable, not a 3-wire connection that is common in the UK. Possible symptoms of an incorrect connection are having a line that is fine with a normal phone connected however if phone is left connected and connect another wire from the socket into the X100P, the ringtone is immediately lost. The line voltage drops from around 50 volts to 1 ish and it appears that the X100P is shorting the line.
To enable X100P CallerID functionality for the UK see this link or the patch details.